Army of Darkness Trade Paperbacks
 October 31, 2005, Runnemede, NJ � Dynamite Entertainment announced today that the first and second Army of Darkness mini-series will both be available in collected form and kept in print. The collection of the first mini has gone back to press, and is available in comics shops now, while the second TPB is due in stores within the next week.
The first printing sold out shortly after shipping to stores of the Army of Darkness: Ashes to Ashes TPB and the company has released a new edition of the classic mini that started it all, and remains committed to keeping the classic series in print.
"Ashes to Ashes was out-of-print for while, but with Shop 'Til You Drop (Dead) now in TPB, both mini-series have their permanent editions available for all the fans out there," commented Dynamite Spokesperson J. Allen.

The ARMY OF DARKNESS: SHOP TILL YOU DROP DEAD TRADE PAPERBACK COLLECTION features two covers and collects the second AOD series from Dynamite Entertainment.
Written by James Kuhoric and featuring the artwork of Nick Bradshaw and Sanford Greene Shop 'Til You Drop (Dead) puts Ash back in the real world and the S-Mart but not without a few bumps surprises and Deadites along the way!
This TPB collection features the four complete issues of the series and will also include a cover gallery featuring Nick Bradshaw, Sanford Greene, E-bas, Jae Lee, Richard Isanove, Paolo Rivera, and Ale Garza!
The new edition of the ARMY OF DARKNESS: ASHES TO ASHES TRADE PAPERBACK COLLECTION collects the first 4 issues of AOD: Ashes to Ashes by writer Andy (Danger Girl) Hartnell, artist Nick Bradshaw, and finisher Etienne St-Laurent!
This debut series presents all-new adventures of the hero from Army of Darkness and is collected here for the very first time! If you haven't checked out this new series this is the best way to catch up on all the mayhem... and excitement!
Plus this new TPB Collection of Army of Darkness: Ashes to Ashes #'s 1 through 4 features a complete cover gallery including all 4 photo covers and art covers from: J. Scott Campbell, Marc Silvestri, Ben Templesmith, Greg Land, Richard Isanove, Nick Bradshaw, Aaron Lopresti, Michael Avon Oeming, Ale Garza, and Tim Seely!
For art and more information on the TPB's, please visit the Dynamite Website:
About Dynamite Entertainment Dynamite Entertainment, is a premier licensor and innovative publisher of the comic industry's key and most popular comics including the Army of Darkness, Jim Starlin's Cosmic Guard, The Re-Animator, Eduardo Risso's Borderline, and the #1 selling title in April of '05, Red Sonja. More information about the company can be found online at