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WizKids: MechWarrior Officer's Club

November 1, 2005 (SEATTLE) - WizKids Inc., creator of the runaway hit games HeroClix® and Pirates of the Spanish Main™, is proud to announce the advent of the MechWarrior Officer's Club, a collector's program designed to drive customer support of traditional brick-and-mortar gaming stores by offering customers who purchase from those stores opportunities to purchase special collector's pieces.

"The MechWarrior Officer's Club is a flagship program that will carry over to other WizKids game lines," said Mike Samora, Vice-President of Sales and Marketing at WizKids Inc. "What began with the Buy it By the Brick program for HeroClix has grown into a club that supports customers who support their local retailers." Beginning in January with the release of MechWarrior: Domination, customers who purchase eight boosters of that expansion at a brick-and-mortar store as opposed to an online store can enter the MechWarrior Officer's Club.

Officer's Club members receive many perks, including the opportunity to buy Army Builder kits, packs of predetermined figures that will help them flesh out their armies. Club members also receive a discount on the kits. The kits will be produced in extremely limited quantities, and sold on a first-come, first served basis: once they're gone, they're gone! Army Builder kits will only be made available to non-Club members at a later date if supplies remain. Other perks will be announced in the future.

Founded by 25-year game-industry veteran Jordan Weisman, WizKids is a Seattle-based game developer and publisher dedicated to creating tabletop games driven by imagination. Its MechWarrior® and HeroClix CMGs and Pirates and Rocketmen™ CSGs are among the most successful games on the market today, and the company has sold hundreds of millions of game pieces worldwide. For additional information, visit www.wizkidsgames.com.

�2005 WizKids Inc. All rights reserved. MechWarrior, HeroClix, Pirates of the Spanish Main, Rocketmen, Tsuro and WizKids are trademarks of WizKids Inc.

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