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WizKids: HeroClix New-Guy Night

November 17, 2005 (SEATTLE) - WizKids Inc., creator of the runaway hit games HeroClix® and Pirates of the Spanish Main™, is proud to announce the continuation of the New-Guy Night HeroClix program, a promotional campaign designed to introduce new players to HeroClix.

"The first New-Guy Night event was a huge success," said Mike Samora, vice president of Sales and Marketing at WizKids®. "A month before the release of Marvel™ HeroClix: Armor Wars, we introduced thousands of new players to the game, and now we're poised to do it again." The second New-Guy Night event will occur in January 2006.

Each new HeroClix player and attending current HeroClix player receive a free collector's edition Superman™ figure absolutely free!

The event is specifically designed for friends to teach their buddies how to play HeroClix in a low-key, noncompetitive and fun environment. It is open only to retail stores who are registered venues in WizKids' Approved Play program, and those stores must sign up by December 12, 2005. Stores can register at www.wizkidsgames.com.

Founded by 25-year game-industry veteran Jordan Weisman, WizKids is a Seattle-based game developer and publisher dedicated to creating tabletop games driven by imagination. Its MechWarrior® and HeroClix CMGs and Pirates and Rocketmen™ CSGs are among the most successful games on the market today, and the company has sold hundreds of millions of game pieces worldwide. For additional information, visit www.wizkidsgames.com.

�2005 WizKids Inc. All rights reserved. MechWarrior, HeroClix, Pirates of the Spanish Main, Rocketmen and WizKids are trademarks of WizKids Inc.

Marvel and all related characters and the distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks of Marvel Characters, Inc., and are used with permission. �2005 Marvel Characters, Inc. www.marvel.com.

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