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HALO 2, Code 3 at littleplasticmen.com


November 17, 2005 - (Houston, TX) - (Sponsor Announcement) - Online retailer littleplasticmen.com announces their new and future arrivals:

HOUSTON, TX - littleplasticmen.com... where action figures are what's in store! has just received our cases of Joyride Studios HALO 2 Series 5 action figures! This assortment has all-new figures like the Spectre vehicle and long-awaited Arbiter - as well as a Steel Spartan and Spec Ops Elite! We also have a limited amount of the new exclusive Active Camouflage Arbiter in hand and ready to ship! We received a refresh of the new die-cast Johnny Lightning Halo Micro Series 1 die-cast Warthogs! These 1/64 scale vehicles are uber-cool and come in two forms - the common M12 LRV combat Warthog (with either machine gun or gauss cannon) and the short-packed civilian Hog version! Visit our HALO Forward Command Center for the best prices on Halo figures around and latest news on upcoming assortments, exclusives and Halo movie news!

We also received our batch of Sota Toys Johnny Cash action figures. These 7' figures of the Man in Black come with his scaled trademark black acoustic guitar and railroad track base. We also received the Code 3 Star Wars: A New Hope Style D and the Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring Legendary Casts 3D poster replicas. These cold-cast 8 x 10 bas relief sculptures capture the awesome art of the original movie posters.

In partnership of Comingsoon.net, littleplasticmen.com is presenting The Toy Guru action figure review on the popular movie news and review site. The Toy Guru is a bi-monthly look at the latest hot action figures with a full breakdown of sculpts, articulation and just plain coolness. The current column looks at the Hasbro 4" Revenge of the Sith Shock Trooper! Be sure and check it out!

We are expecting a number of new items soon including NECA's Kill Bill Series 2, Sota's Now Playing Series 2 and a slew of DC Direct figures. A ton of Buffy items are also on the way, including the Battle Damaged Smile Time Angel puppet replica, Buffy and Dawn figure assortment and the Sunnydale High School Library playset!

We're constantly updating our Pre-order page. Just click the red PREORDER link in the Categories box on the left side of the main page to check the new items added. More items will be added soon!


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In Association with Amazon.com Big Bad Toy Store - click for more information

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