Sportspicks, Cult Classics at Big Bad Toy Store
 November 23, 2005 - (Sponsor Announcement) - Online retailer has several new items of interest to collectors:
Happy Thanksgiving from everyone at BBTS!
Here is another big update from about a ton of new arrivals, more new preorders, and updates on some items arriving soon.
15% OFF SALE NOTE: Our 15% Off Sale is scheduled to end early Friday Morning on November 25th - be sure to take advantage of the sale prices on all instock items (excluding preorders and 'new arrivals')
-------------- NEW ARRIVALS: --------------
GI JOE: The H.I.S.S. Tanks and B.A.T. 6-Pack have just arrived! Both items are ideal for building large Cobra armies. The HISS is priced at $16.99 and BAT 6-pack is priced at $21.99. We also have new pictures uploaded for the second wave of Sigma 6 Commando figures and the 3rd wave of 3-packs with comics.
CODE 3 COLLECTIBLES - STAR WARS, LOTR & MORE: We've received our first shipment from Code 3, they produce some very cool items! Most of the new arrivals are from their movie poster sculpture series. These sculptures bring the movie posters to life in 3-D with the characters' faces and bodies extending out of the poster towards you. We have a variety of mini and full size posters from Star Wars, also Lord of the Rings Fellowship and Animal House - Legendary Casts. The Republic Gunship and Slave 1 die cast replicas are also in stock. View all the Code 3 items here.
NFL SPORTSPICKS SERIES 12: More super-realistic figures from McFarlane. We have nearly all of the series 12 figures priced at $10.49. This set includes Favre, Dillon, McNabb, Brees, Mawae, Tomlinson, Harrison, and Arrington. We have the Favre variant with towel on his shoulder listed at $29.99.
NECA'S CULT CLASSICS: Friday the 13th 25th Anniversary Boxed set and Wave 2 of Cult Classics have just arrived. The boxed set features Jason with a sack over his head and Jason's beloved Mom. Cult Classics Wave 2 features Leatherface, Frank the Bunny, The Tall Man, and New Nightmare Freddy. Most figures are $11.99 each with Frank the Bunny coming in at $13.99. Be sure to read the cool descriptions on each product listing, we'll be adding fun descriptions like this to most of our products as we continue on with our new website and system.
12" MCFARLANE - SPAWN & NHL: Four new 12" figures have just arrived, from Spawn we have Gunslinger Spawn and the Issue 95 Cover Art Spawn with cape blazing in the wind. Both are priced at $29.99 and ready to ship. From NHL Sportspicks we have the 12" Martin Brodeur and Steve Yzerman - each hoisting the Stanley Cup. Both of these figures are also priced at $29.99.
KONG: Eight cool new Kong figures made by Playmates have just arrived. We have a nice variety of Kong figures and a slew of his enemies and various other critters found on Skull Island. All the figures are priced at $11.99, we don't have too many of them so they may go quickly. The Weta Kong Statues & Busts will begin arriving next week, preorders are available on all items!
STAR WARS LIGHTSABERS: We now have more sabers in stock to fit into any price range. Hasbro's basic plastic lightsabers are back in stock for $8.49 to $9.99. Electronic Deluxe sabers from Hasbro have also arrived. We have the Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Yoda saber - each with electronics, priced at $23.99 to $25.99. For the big spenders we have Anakin, Darth Vader, and Mace Windu FX Lightsabers by Master Replicas. Each with sequential LED lights that power up and down, and sound effects that react to how you move the saber. We opened one up last week and it truly is an amazing item for the price.
ROBOTECH BARGAINS: We are passing on savings from Toynami on selected Masterpiece Valkyries. Both the #2 Ben Dixon and #5 Miriya Masterpiece figures are now priced at just $39.99 retail - this is 50% off the original MSRP! Limited stock is available
NAPOLEON DYNAMITE: More fun talking electronic items. The Napoleon Dynamite talking pen is priced at just $5.99 and spews out about 7 different phrases from the movie when the top button is clicked - its also functions as a regular pen, great for meetings... Another new item with a whopping 18 sound clips from the movie is the $11.99 Napoleon Statue/PVC figure that stands around 6" tall, 8" including the base.
GENTLE GIANT STAR WARS: The brand new Anakin Maquette from the Clone Wars Animated series has arrived. This statue is limited to only 3000 pieces and is available for $72.99
Also just in is the Grand Moff Tarkin Bust - priced at $44.99
12" WILLIE WONKA: Gentle Giant's version of Mr. Wonka has just arrived, its nicely packaged in a somewhat retro box and available now for $27.99
--------------- NEW PREORDERS: ---------------
TAKARA TRANSFORMERS: One of the best repaints to come out of Japan is the awesome new Twincast repaint of Blaster. Twincast will come with a different cassette than Blaster (who has Steeljaw) and will be a nice complement to Soundblaster, both of them extremely hard to find until these handy reissues came out. Also from Takara is the Beast Wars BWR-01 Optimus vs. Megatron set. This is the Japanese version of the 10th Anniversary Beast Wars figures coming in 2006 from Hasbro. Both Megatron and Prime have been updated from their original BW releases so they are a bit more show accurate. We also have uploaded new pictures of the Purple Galvatron and Pepsi Prime if you are interested.
HASBRO TRANSFORMERS: The Star Wars Transformer Luke X-Wing from wave 2 of their new line has now been listed at $16.99. We also now have single figure listings for the first three Deluxe 10th Anniv. Beast Wars figures: Cheetor, Rhinox, and Waspinator at $16.99 each.
CORPSE BRIDE STATUES & BUST-UPS: Gentle Giant has expanded their licensing base and is now producing high quality statues for Tim Burton's latest hit. We have the Corpse Bride herself listed at $169.99, Scraps at $54.99 and Maggot at $54.99. Corpse Bride Bust-Ups are available as a set of 5 for $27.99
HARRY POTTER STATUES & BUSTS: More cool items from Gentle Giant. The awesome Hungarian Horntail Dragon Statue is available for $174.99 and we have 4 new busts up at $42.99 each: Snape, Dumbledore, Dobby, and Dementor.
RAMBO: Imported from Japan! Hot Toys' new release of John. J. Rambo and Colonel Trautman are each listed at $94.99. These figures are a bit larger than 1/6 scale standing at nearly 14" tall. Rambo comes with his bow, explosive tipped arrows, and knife - great looking figures.
SIDESHOW - JASON, PUMPKINHEAD, ARDETH BAY: Two more super-sized releases from Sideshow. The 1/4 Pumpkinhead Statue stands about 28" tall and is priced at $799.99. The 1:1 Scale Ardeth Bay Bust is priced at $499.99. Another great looking 12" Friday the 13th figure is also coming out - Jason X is priced at $42.99
INUYASHA: Toynami will be releasing the first 12" version of InuYasha in February. This figure is priced at $27.99 and comes with his giant sword.
-------------------- ITEMS ARRIVING SOON: These items should be here sometime within the next 1 - 2 weeks: --------------------
- STIKFAS: All 5 new releases will be arriving around Monday or Tuesday
- MARVEL LEGENDS 11: Our shipment arrives in roughly 2 weeks!! We are unsure if the Scarlet Witch will be included in the set, if she is not, we will of course reduce the set to 7 pieces and reduce the price to $73.99. Our initial shipments of ML9 and ML10 sold out within days of arriving, so be sure to get preorders in on our first wave of 11, they never last long.
- TAKARA BINALTECH: Both the BT-16 Skids and BTA-03 Blaster Scion bB figures will be arriving around Friday December 2nd. Our supply of other recent Binaltechs is getting quite low, so now is a good time to pick them up while our 15% off sale is running.