Binaltech, Kong at Big Bad Toy Store
 December 1, 2005 - (Sponsor Announcement) - Online retailer has several new items of interest to collectors:
TAKARA BINALTECH: The BT-16 Skids and BTA-03 Broadblast Toyota (Scion) bB figures have just arrived! We opened them up to get nice clear pictures and were impressed with the fairly complicated transformation. Skids is a blue bB and Broadblast is metallic gray and comes with a mini pvc figure. The BT-16 is priced at $52.99 and the BTA-03 is $59.99.
KING KONG BUSTS - WETA: The first wave of high quality busts from Weta New Zealand has just arrived. They kept the production numbers fairly low on these busts (usually 3000 or less) so they should maintain their collectibility well into the future. We now have the V-Rex Bust, Kong & Ann Bust, Kong & V-Rex Bookends, and three cool mini skull busts. Weta did a very nice job with these and we've priced everything quite a bit under MSRP so take a look.
BRAVE SERIES: The BR-03 Might gunner and immense BR-04 Great Mightgaine figures have just arrived. The BR-04 set is priced at $209.99 and comes packaged in a giant 21" x 21" x 6" box with full opening flap secured by velcro. All the figures are displayed in train mode and the inside of the box has a lot of small windows in it to display each figure. We do still have some of the BR-01 and BR-02 sets in stock so you can either pick them all up separately or together in the giant giftset.
MCFARLANE DRAGONS: The limited edition Eternal Clan Boxed Set is now in available for $15.99. This set features the Eternal Dragon from series 1, but with an improved paint job and nice display box. From what our sales rep said, this should be fairly limited and won't be widely available like many mass market McFarlane items are.
BATTLE TROLL OF MORDOR STATUE: This will be one of the final releases from Sideshow for LotR and they have definitely put together a nice piece with the Battle Troll statue. We have it listed below MSRP at $164.99. The troll has a dead victim in hand and is heavily armored, the base is a series of stone steps he is climbing.
GUNDAM: A few new action figures as well as a great model kit. The 1/60 Strike Freedom Gundam Lightning Edition is a huge kit packed in a perfect grade sized box, this kit comes with a variety of tiny lights and wiring that will light up the hands, chest, head, and many translucent joints. This kit is priced at $114.99 and should be more challenging with the addition of the electronics system. The JUMBO Grade Big Scale Gundam figures have also just arrived. These giants measure around 20 inches tall, we have 4 models in stock: Green Zaku, Red Zaku, RX-78-2 Marking Type, RX-78-2 Real Type Color. Each is priced at $199.99, which should be less than importing it directly from Japan due to the giant box size.
BLUE BOX 1:18 ELITE FORCE: Another awesomely detailed Blue Box item, the 1:18 Corsair comes with many small bombs and the wings will fold up for space saving storage. A variety of other 1:18 vehicles are also available.
HELLSING - SERAS VICTORIA: From Yamato's StoryImageFigure! Lineup, we have the 6" pvc Seras Victoria figure in stock. This figure is nicely detailed and it comes with an elaborate arm piece.
SCOPEDOG: The 1:12 Scale Purple Scopedog has just arrived and we have very limited quantities of this item priced at $114.99
TERMINATOR 3 - ATTAKUS: A high end porcelain statue of Arnold as the T-800 Terminator has just arrived. This nice piece is priced at $389.99 and is very limited in its production - only 888 pieces.
MICROMAN - MICRO-SISTERS: Takara's latest release in the Microman series is a group of four female fighters with lots of metallic chrome parts, lots of color and some clear body parts as well. The set of 4 is priced at $57.99.
SOUL OF CHOGOKIN: Two new arrivals, the GX-29 Black Ox and GX-24M Tetsujin 28 Blue Metal version are available for $69.99 and $74.99 respectively. These are typical Chogokin releases with lots of metal, glossy paint, high quality and extra weapons and accessories.
MCFARLANE'S MILITARY WAVE 2: The 2nd Tour of Duty set of six has just arrived. We've dropped our price to $59.99 for the set of 6 - amazing detail and authentic gear and weapons on these figures.
GUYVER: A new arrival from Max Factory in Japan - the Neo Zx-Tole figure is priced competitively at $99.99. This figure comes with wings, spiked shoulder armor, and lots of beetle attitude. The articulation is good and detail level is excellent.
OTFCC MEGAZARAK: We stumbled across a great bargain on a warehouse find of this figure and can now pass the savings on to you! We have Megazarak priced at just $39.99, a great chance to pick up a past exclusive at roughly 1/2 the original show price!!
HALO 2 - SERIES 5: We've just received the second portion of our shipment and are now able to offer all of the figures singly as well as by the set. The Arbiter and Steel Spartan highlight this set and Special Ops Elite and Spectre vehicle are also pretty cool.
EVANGELION FIGURES: The Red and Purple Eva figures by Kaiyodo are back in stock for $14.99 and $15.99 respectively - these consistently sell out so don't miss out.
FX LIGHTSABERS: Get 10% off the Anakin & Vader Sabers with our sale price of $88.19 and the Mace FX is priced at $102.59.
SUPER DEFORMED ULTRA MAGNUS STATUE: A fun 5" statue from First 4 Figures priced at just $24.99! This statue features Ultra Magnus with the Matrix and is limited to only 500 pieces in the US.
EXCLUSIVE BLACK ROBOTMASTERS LIO CONVOY: A cool new repainted exclusive from Takara, the black Lio Convoy is priced at $34.99 and will be arriving around January or February. We've also recently learned of a Soundblaster repaint of the Galaxy Force GX-02 Soundwave, we'll list a preorder for this awesome figure as soon as more details are known.
CLONE TROOPER BUST-UPS 4-PACK: Four different repaints of the series 4 Bust-Up will be packaged in a giftset box and is available to preorder for just $18.99
WARMACHINE: Our first offering from a new manufacturer - Southern Island, will be the Warmachine Lord Commander Coleman Stryker figure. This cool figure looks very well detailed, comes with an enormous sword and is priced at $16.99
PREORDER GALVATRON - ARRIVING SOON! Our giant shipment of the purple reissue Galvatron will be leaving Japan on December 14th or 15th! They won't arrive in time to be delivered to you by Christmas, but should arrive shortly after that. This has been one of the hottest preorder items for us and the supply most likely won't last too long - available to preorder now at $77.99
Thanks for your interest in and be sure to check out some of the new items above as well as the continuing sale we are running.