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KidzEyes Holiday Wish List Survey

Shortlisted: Kids' Holiday Wish Lists Contain Few Items
Money, Toys, Electronics Make the Shortlist

KidzEyes survey

CHICAGO, Dec. 6, 2005 -- This holiday season less is more as kids are asking for 20 percent fewer gifts than last year according to the KidzEyes Holiday Wish List and Habits survey. The annual survey of kids between the ages of 6-17 revealed that kids plan to ask for only a handful of gifts this holiday season. In fact, 38 percent said they will ask for five or fewer gifts versus only 21 percent a year ago. Twenty-eight percent of kids said their lists contain 11 or more items compared to a whopping 40 percent of kids in 2004.

KidzEyes survey

"While kids may be asking for less under the tree, they are most certainly looking for specific items to open," says Paul Metz, vice president, C&R Research, who conducted the survey in partnership with Funosophy, Inc. "Whether it is cash and gift cards or the latest in electronics and toys, kids continue to be very particular when it comes to holiday gifts - and they hope Santa will get it right."

KidzEyes survey

So, what is the best gift to give? According to the KidzEyes survey, 41 percent of kids say money is the best gift followed by electronics (27 percent) and toys (21 percent). Of course that ratio changes with age -- younger kids prefer toys, while older kids drive the desire for cold hard cash!

KidzEyes survey

"Toys are still tops with younger kids, although electronics continue to gain popularity with kids of all ages," says Nancy Zwiers, president, CEO, and chief funosopher of Funosophy, a consulting firm in the toy industry. "In fact, the line between electronics and toys is blurring, resulting in more 'toyetic' electronic products designed for younger kids."

The KidzEyes Holiday Wish List and Habits survey -- conducted annually by KidzEyes, a specialized youth market research division of C&R Research, in cooperation with Funosophy, a toy industry consulting firm, keeps the pulse of kids' changing holiday wishes and uncovers what they really, truly want.

Here's a look at the toys that are topping this year's shortened lists:

Top Toys - Gender Neutral
1. Honda Mini-Moto Maxii Electric Bike
2. Plug 'N Play TV Games
3. Razor Dirt Rocket Electric Scooter
4. Video Now XP Color
5. Vidster Digital Video Camera with Movie Editing Software

Top Toys - Boys
1. Lazer Tag Team Ops Deluxe
2. Lego Bionicle Battle of Metru Nui
3. Mission Paintball Plug 'N Play Game
4. Play TV Games (baseball, basketball, golf, soccer)
5. Roborapter

Top Toys - Girls
1. Amazing Pets Cold Nose Puppy
2. Build A Bear Stuffed Bear
3. Cheerleader Challenge Dance Mat
4. Disney Mix Sticks Kids MP3 Player Digital Audio Player
5. My Scene Pre-paid Cell Phone

Get Less Give More

Kids seem to have big hearts this season. In addition to asking for less, more than half of kids (55 percent) said victims of hurricanes Katrina and Rita deserve the most gifts this year -- nearly three times more than naming themselves as the most deserving. Kids are putting their money where their mouths are as 51 percent say they plan on donating a new holiday present to hurricane victims.

KidzEyes, a specialty research service of C&R Research, conducted the online Holiday Wish List and Habits survey in two phases, the first wave between August 9-16, 2005 and the second wave between October 12-18, 2005. The information is based on a national sampling of boys and girls between the ages of 6-17 who are members of the KidzEyes online panel. The first wave of the study yielded 2,208 completed surveys, and of these same respondents, the second wave yielded 1,553 completed surveys. The margin of error in the first wave is +/- 2.1 percent and in the second wave is +/- 2.5 percent.

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