My Chemical Romance Update

December 16, 2005 - Stevenson Entertainment Group has sent out an update about their My Chemical Romance action figures: they are going fast, but many stores have been able to restock for this weekend:
My Chemical Romance is selling out fast. (In fact, Hot Topic sold out with-in hours of product being put on shelfs).
In Europe and Australia, accounts such as Virgin and HMV report that they have sold out with-in a day or so aswell.
All stores, including Spencer Gifts, Hot Topic, VirginMegastores, and others have re-stocked and the action figures will be in stores this weekend.
They will not last very long.
If you would prefer to leave things to chance, don't forget to enter the contest for a set of five My Chemical Romance action figures: Gerard Way, Frank Iero, Mikey Way, Ray Toro, and Bob Bryar. Enter by January 2nd.