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MGA Increases Fashion Doll Market Share

Los Angeles - January 6, 2006 - MGA Entertainment announced today that according to NPD, its market share of the Fashion Dolls & Accessories Category increased by 52% from October to November 2005. Its market share of 41% is a record for the company in the United States.

"We expect our December growth and market share to be even higher based on the trend and the strength of our product lines' performance during Holiday 2005," said Isaac Larian, CEO of MGA Entertainment.

The good news for the company continues, Larian adds, "Our early sales of new 2006 products are showing strong increases at retail, even when compared to our strong 2005 volume. We expect to be the clear market leader in Fashion Dolls by the end of 2006 in the United States, reflecting our position in other parts of the world, like the UK and Australia."

MGA Entertainment, a consumer entertainment products company headquartered in Van Nuys, California manufactures innovative lines of proprietary and licensed products, including toys and games, dolls, consumer electronics, home d�cor, stationery and sporting goods. BRATZ was introduced in June 2001, and has since become one of the world's premiere toy lines and girls' lifestyle brands. The BRATZ brand is also noted for having won Family Fun magazine's Toy of the Year Award four years in a row. With over 350 licensees worldwide, BRATZ brings together innovative companies and cutting-edge fashion styles to create exciting new products in apparel, footwear, fashion accessories, entertainment and so much more. Please visit: www.mgae.com, www.bratzpack.com, www.alienracers.com.

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