Voltron, Tshirt at Big Bad Toy Store
 January 12, 2006 - (Sponsor Announcement) - Online retailer BigBadToyStore.com is having a clearance sale:
Hi - Here is a big update from http://www.bigbadtoystore.com about a few new arrivals, 70 new preorders listings and some highly anticipated items that will be arriving in the next week or two. Our huge clearance sale continues to run, be sure to cash in on some great deals before we sell out or remove some items from the list!
-------------- ARRIVING SOON: --------------
VOLTRON MASTERPIECE LIONS: This awesome set will be here around 1/18, reserve yours now for $149.99. Toynami has produced only 5,000 sets and they have sold out, get yours now before we sell out as well!
E-HOBBY GALVATRON: This cool exclusive repaint will be here in around 10 - 12 days. Galvatron II is a repaint very similar to the original US G1 version, but also comes with some add-ons - a nice compliment to the recent Purple Galvatron. Preorders are available now for $94.99.
MARVEL LEGENDS 11 & 12: An enormous truckload of Marvel Legends is making its way to us now, sets of figures as well as sealed cases of 12 are available to preorder. More single and variant figure listings will go up once the shipment arrives and we complete our inventory counts.
STAR WARS ASTROMECH DROID EXCLUSIVE: Ten new droids are ready to join your collection for just $69.99 - we expect them to arrive around the end of the month. This is a great looking set of two boxed 5-packs!
AFA (ACTION FIGURE AUTHORITY) GRADED TRANSFORMERS: We will be working closely with AFA to bring you high-grade U85 to U95+ modern Transformers! We'll be focusing on the Takara reissues as well as a variety of Hasbro figures. Preorders will be listed for AFA U85 (U = Uncirculated - directly from a sealed case) Transformers in the coming weeks. There is not really a steady supply of AFA Graded items on ebay or elsewhere so we wanted to solve that problem. If you have interest in preordering AFA graded items, please drop me a quick reply about what lines you'd like to see and we'll go from there. We also plan to deal in a variety of AFA graded Star Wars items.
-------------- NEW PREORDERS: 70 new items mainly from Hasbro's big 3 Brands: --------------
TRANSFORMERS - CYBERTRON: The new spring releases are all now available for preordering. New figures include the following:
Scout: Lugnutz, Repugnus, Scrapmetal, Shortround Deluxe: Defense Hot Shot, DoubleClutch, Excellion Voyager: Defense Scattorshot, Dark Crumplezone, SOUNDWAVE!!! Ultra: Wing Saber, Sky Shadow Mini-Cons - cool Seeker Jet sets: Ramjet & Scythe, Sunstorm & Checkpoint, Thrust & Anti-Blaze
STAR WARS TITANIUM DIE-CAST: This fun series of vehicles and die-cast figures is now up for preorder. The vehicles are around 3" in size and each is priced at $4.99. Ultra vehicles are $18.99 and the new 3 3/4" die-cast figures start at $15.99
3" Ships: 19 different items including Slave 1, Death Star, Wookie Helicopter, Shuttle Tydirium, Speeder Bike, Droid Tank, Millenium Falcon and much more! Ultra Ships: 4 ships including Slave 1, Snowspeeder, Arc-170 Starfighter and Federation Droid Fighter. 3.75" Figures: Darth Vader and Boba Fett start out this cool series, two versions of each figure, starting at $15.99.
GI JOE SIGMA 6: A few new Commando size figures and the second wave of Soldiers have just been added.
STAR WARS SAGA WAVE 4: Hasbro will be releasing 5 different case pack revisions on Saga wave 4, so instead of burdening you with buying by the case, we are offering all the standard figures singly - most for just $7.99 each! No images yet, but some exciting figures including Foul Moudama, Fire Pilot, Commander Cody, Clone Trooper, Grievous & More!
STAR WARS UNLEASHED BATTLEPACKS: The second and third waves of miniature Unleashed figures are now up for preorder at $10.99 per 4-pack. Each wave features multiple sets from various battles including Kashyyyk and Hoth for waves 2 and 3.
STAR WARS ATTACKTIX: Wave 3 Boosters and the new Battle Master Jabba the Hutt is now up for preorder at very reasonable pricing.
GUNDAM VEHICLE KITS: The 1/1700 Aghama, 1/1700 Albion, and the HUGE 1/400 Musai Gundam kits are all up for preorder.
LITTLE APPLE DOLLS WAVE 3: Sets of 5 and Singles as well
EXCEL SAGA: New Anime figures from Yamato
CAPCOM FIGURE COLLECTION: More trading figures from Yamato!
------------- NEW ARRIVALS: -------------
BBTS T-SHIRTS!! Get some fun new threads from BBTS for just $9.99! Our first ever shirt has the BBTS logo on front and a huge BBTS logo along with our web address on the back! Send us a picture of you, in your BBTS shirt, standing by your collection, and eventually we'll get a gallery going on the site and put up your picture.
DC DIRECT - ELSEWORLDS: This popular set of figures has just been restocked, sets of 5 includes a cool USSR version of Superman as well as other alternate reality type figures.
STAR WARS BUST-UPS: The Clone-Trooper 4-pack and Series 5 Set of 6 Bust-Ups have just arrived! Series 5 is priced at $28.99 and the 4-pack is just $18.99
CINEMAQUETTE: The third and largest Cinemaquette has just arrived - The 1/3 Scale T-800 Terminator Endoskeleton checks in at $1499.99, it would look great standing next to a huge Plasma TV
EVANGELION: The atrractive Asuka Langley PVC Statue by Koto is now in stock for just $33.99. Asuka is wearing something close to a french maid outfit and sits demurely on a staircase.
HARD HERO NAMOR STATUE: A very nice 14" statue of Prince Namor, The Submariner is now in stock for $199.99. Hard Hero has limited this statue to just 1000 pieces.
HARRY POTTER BUSTS: The new Dumbledore and Prof. Snape busts have just arrived and are available for $42.99 each.
TO HEART: The AOI Matsubara PVC Statue is now in stock for $24.99
CORPSE BRIDE COLLECTOR DOLL: The third high-end collector doll - Victoria, has just arrived and is available now for $79.99
OLDER TRANSFORMER RESTOCK: A variety of older items have just been restocked including: Mega PVC Starscream, Japanese Armada: MC-01, MC-03, MD-02, MD-03, MC-09. JBW D-13, C-21. Also - Botcon 2004 T-Shirts are in stock now for just $4.99!! A handsome black shirt with nice animations on the front.