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FANtastic Exclusive Round 5 Voting

fantasic exclusive minotaur

Four Horsemen announce round 5 of FANtastic Exclusive 2006 voting!

January 23, 2006 - In Round 4 of voting for the Four Horsemen Toy Design's fan based action figure design process - FANtastic Exclusive 2006, action figure fans had the chance to pick their favorite styles of articulation for the upcoming exclusive action figure. As voting for Round 4 winds down and they continue to tabulate those votes, it's time to get voting for Round 5 rolling!

Although the 7th Kingdom: Minotaur character (chosen by fans in the first and second rounds of voting to represent FANtastic Exclusive 2006) will come with the same double-headed axe accessory that he wields in the original design drawing, a secondary, hand-based weapon accessory will also be included. And YOU get the chance to choose which weapon it's going to be.

Just stop by the FANtastic Exclusive website and cast your vote to pick one of six unique weapons on display. While there, you can drop in on the FANtastic Forums message boards to join the discussions. Also, don't forget to check out the newest section of the website � FANtastic Features! In the FANtastic Features section you'll get an insider's view on how action figures are produced from start to finish � including photos and lots of informative text!

This time YOU'RE running the show - FANtastic Exclusive 2006!

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