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Alias Season 4 Trading Cards

alias trading cards



Includes Autographs and Pieceworks® Costume Cards

MORRISVILLE, NC - January, 2006 - Inkworks announces the follow-up to our popular series of trading cards based on the ABC series, ALIAS™. ALIAS: SEASON FOUR ULTRA PREMIUM TRADING CARDS feature: Episodic Coverage, APO Cards, Marshall's Tech Emporium, Arvin's Secrets and more! As fans and collectors have come to expect with ALIAS trading card products created by Inkworks, each card in the 81-card base set is printed on premium 18-point mirror foil board, giving each card an amazing reflective finish. Collectors have the opportunity to find several levels of intriguing chase cards that are randomly inserted into packs, including:

alias trading cards

AUTOGRAPHED CARDS - One per box! Ten different cards featuring the actual autographs from the following Alias actors: Gina Torres (Anna Espinosa), Sonia Braga (Elena Derevko), Elya Baskin (Dr. Joseph Vlachko), Robin Sachs (Hans Dietrich), Izabella Scorupco (Sabina), Anthony Cistaro (Michael Guinot), Joel Grey (Mr. Sloane II / Ned Bolger), Michael McKean (Dr. Atticus Liddell), Angus Scrimm (Calvin McCullough), and a special DUAL AUTOGRAPH CARD - Ron Rifkin and Joel Grey as the Two Sloanes. (10 different cards inserted approximately 1:24 packs).

alias trading cards

PIECEWORKS® CARDS - One per box! Ten different cards featuring pieces of the actual costumes worn by the characters on-screen during the filming of the fourth season of ALIAS: Black dress worn by Jennifer Garner (Sydney), Top worn by Jennifer Garner (Sydney), T-shirt worn by Mia Maestro (Nadia), Dress worn by Mia Maestro (Nadia), Hospital gown worn by Carl Lumbly (Dixon), Jacket worn by Carl Lumbly (Dixon), Jacket worn by Michael Vartan (Vaughn), T-shirt worn by Michael Vartan (Vaughn), Jacket worn by Victor Garber (Jack), Tux shirt worn by Victor Garber (Jack) - (10 different cards - inserted approximately 1:24 packs).

PREDICTIONS - A nine-card foil puzzle featuring Sydney & Nadia's links to the Rambaldi prophecy (9 different cards - inserted approximately 1:11 packs).

REGRETS - Six special cards foil stamped with a patterned holographic foil. The cards focus on the regrets of the Alias characters in Season Four (6 different cards - inserted approximately 1:17 packs).

Plus - Three "FATHERS AND DAUGHTERS" Box Loader Cards (1 per sealed display box) and one very special "REALITIES COLLIDE" case loader card (1 per sealed case).

alias trading cards

ALIAS: SEASON FOUR ULTRA-PREMIUM TRADING CARDS are packed eight cards per pack, 24 packs per display box (foil-stamped cigar style box). Packs have a suggested retail price of $2.99. In addition to the collection of cards, Inkworks has a six color padded vinyl collector album created especially for this set (suggested retail price - $19.95) and a limited edition mini-press sheet of the "PREDICTIONS" puzzle. Only 199 copies of the puzzle were left uncut and are available for a suggested retail price of $69.95 for each sequentially numbered sheet.

alias trading cards

Inkworks is the award-winning entertainment trading card manufacturer based in Raleigh, North Carolina. Current Inkworks licenses include ANGEL, BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER, THE X-FILES, FAMILY GUY, THE SOPRANOS, LOST, VERONICA MARS, CHARMED, SERENITY, FIREFLY, SMALLVILLE, and others. For a complete product release schedule, more information on Inkworks products or to find out how to get free collector cards, please visit the Inkworks web site at www.inkworks.com.

alias trading cards

ALIAS is produced by Touchstone Television. Touchstone Television has established itself as one of Hollywood's leading production companies, supplying critically acclaimed, quality entertainment to the broadcast and cable television industry. For the 2005-06 TV season, Touchstone Television has a slate of 16 new and returning scripted series on broadcast television including the critically and consumer praised phenonemons "Lost," "Desperate Housewives" and "Grey's Anatomy." 2006 Touchstone Television.

Upcoming products from Inkworks include VERONICA MARS: SEASON ONE (February 2006), FAMILY GUY: SEASON TWO (March, 2006) and FIREFLY: THE COMPLETE SERIES (April, 2006).

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