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Dallas Comic Book Appreciation Day

Dallas Proclaims May 6th Comic Book Appreciation Day!

March 16, 2006 - The City of Dallas has proclaimed that Free Comic Book Day is also Comic Book Appreciation Day in honor of CAPE! (Comic and Pop-Culture Expo)! The biggest Free Comic Book Day event in Texas is honored to receive this and will be honored with a certificate.

"Recognizing the hard work that comic book creators put into their books and paying respect to them is what CAPE! is about," says Zeus Comics and Toys owner Richard Neal, "The fact that the City of Dallas is recognizing this as well is a true honor."

CAPE! also promotes children's literacy by giving away over 300 child specific gift bags filled with comic books designed just for them. "It's important that we encourage people of all ages to read and what could be a better medium than comic books," says HeroRealm.com founder Alex Hamby.

CAPE! is in its second year and was created by Zeus Comics and Toys, Scott Kurtz of PvPonline.com fame and the people at HeroRealm.com as a venue to recognize comic creators and the work they do. Scott Hinze of Fanboy Radio will be back this year to MC the event. The first year saw over 2500 people and three times that are expected this year. With a guest list that includes Bryan Hitch, Gail Simone, Tony Bedard, Marc Andreyko, Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa, Lea Hernandez, James O'Barr, Benn Dunn, Cason Pilliod and more, CAPE! Is set to be the biggest Free Comic Book Day event of the year!

For more information on CAPE or if you are a comic professional who wants to attend please visit www.herorealm.com/cape or call Zeus comics at 214-219-TOYS.

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