April 4, 2006 - CustomCon 14 Day Two is online!
Please also visit the CustomCon 14 main page to take a poll to let us know how many CustomCon events you would like to see in a year.
The Day Two batch of galleries includes: - Avengers Unlimited Series II
- Cable & X-Man Deadpool Special Edition Two Pack
- DC Legends: Leaguers
- Fantastic Four Big Town
- Final Fantasy XI: Extra Knights
- Justice League Unlimited Series III
- Marvel 2 Pak Legends
- Marvel Comics "Second Stringers" Series IV
- Marvel Legends Classics Series II
- Marvel Universe Unfinished Business Series 7: Cosmic Powers
- Marvel Universe: Who? Wave 2: Second String Heroes
- The Micronauts
- Scott Rogers' Hawkgirl Challenge
- Star Trek Playmates 4.5-inch "Surprise Farewell" Wave
- Wrestling Classics
If you'd like to recreate any of these custom figures on your own, there is a link at the bottom of each page to a page of recipes and explanations of how each custom was created. CustomCon 14