Hey, all!
We've got a big favor to ask from all of you, but in the end we hope it'll benefit everyone!
What's going on is over in the "Let's Hear It" section of our message board we've got our list posted of all (or at least all we can remember) of the work that we've done while in the toy industry.
Our problem is that we don't have any good photos of all of this stuff, nor do we have time to take photos of all of this stuff to be added to our galleries pages.
So, what we'd like you to do is take photos of any of the figures on that list that you have and submit those photos to us to be added to our galleries! From our humble beginnings at McFarlane Toys all the way up through our latest ventures with Mattel, NECA and Toy Biz!
Here's how things will have to be:
1) Please NO PHOTOS TAKEN FROM OTHER WEBSITES! Original submissions only. We don't wanna' get in trouble for stealing other people's photos, and we're sure you don't want that either.
2) We won't be able to pay you or send you free stuff, but if your photo is used on our website you will be given full credit and our thanks for your submission. I.E. : "Photo Submitted by (your name and screen-name here)!"
3) Photos must be fairly high resolution, clear, and with no background clutter or other items in the photo - only the figure and that figure's accessories please.
4) We'd like to get one front or 3/4 view of the figure, one rear view of the figure, and one close-up of the figure with each submission. If all you have is front a photo that will be fine though (unless the next scenario below happens). Also, feel free to send a shot of yourself (use proper discretion please) and we may include that on the site as well!
5) Whenever possible we will post only the best of the best of the photos submitted. In other words, even if you've already submitted a photo, and it's been accepted and posted on our site for a while, if another photo of that same item comes in that completely blows yours out of the water... sorry Charlie. Your photos comin' down and the new hotness is goin' up. That's the breaks of the game. So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE only submit really good photos. We don't wanna' hafta' lay the smackdown on anyone.
6) Last, when submitting a photo to us please only submit one characters' photo (or photos) per e-mail. This will help us avoid confusion (which is pretty hard for us to avoid in the first place), and help us to keep things more streamlined. Please use the following in the subject line of the e-mail in order for us to easily identify the reason for the e-mail and the character: "HORSEMEN PHOTO SEARCH: (character name - I.E. "Zipline Batman", "Trap-Jaw", etc.)". Please send all entries to: [email protected]
It's that simple! Pretty soon with your help we should have those galleries pretty darned full! What we'd like to shoot for is to have the galleries pages at least half full of the characters on that list by the time the San Diego Comic Con 2006 rolls around. You can handle that, right? Riiiight.
We're depending on you, all you Fearless Photogs! Get to work, and don't be a slacker!
And by the way... extra brownie points for anyone who can come up with photos of the "Rise and Dine" figure.