Zim, Buffy, Pirates, Star Wars at littleplasticmen.com
 June 5, 2006 - (Houston, TX) - (Sponsor Announcement) - Online retailer littleplasticmen.com announces new arrivals, preorders!
HOUSTON, TX - littleplasticmen.com... where action figures are what's in store! has just received a ton of great stuff from the likes of NECA, Master Replicas, DC Direct and Diamond Select Toys! New to the store this week is the highly anticipated Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest Series 1 action figures. The wave includes Captain Jack Sparrow, the villainous Davy Jones, heroic Will Turner and Dutchman denizen Maccus. Also just in, the Cursed Jack vs Cursed Barbossa boxed set. Now you can re-enact their famous moonlight grotto duel in the treasure chamber of the dreaded Isla de Muerta! Other Piratey goodness can be found in the form of Master Replicas' new Dead Man's Chest props including Jack's Ring, Davy Jones' Key and Elizabeth's necklace.
We have also just received Diamond Select Toys latest Buffy the Vampire Slayer wave of figures. This wave includes the Slayer herself, Buffy Summers as seen in the final season episode 'Chosen'. Dawn is decked out in her duds from the 'Lessons' episode and also has a one-per-case variant as she appeared in the famous musical episode 'Once More With Feeling'. We also still have the recent Previews Exclusive two-pack featuring the Slayer's mystical sister and the hell-god Glory!
From the 'Where the heck did that come from' file, the last trickles of Palisades Toys Invader Zim toys have surfaced and we have them! The five-figure boxed set of Doom features different sculpts of fan favorites Zim, GIR, Dib, Almighty Tallest Red and Ms Bitters. The uber-cool Voot Cruiser resin statue shows off Zim's hip spaceship, with mini Zim and GIR along for the ride. The Voot Cruiser is limited to only 510 pieces! Both of these items are in stock and ready to ship!
Star Wars fans will want to check out the new Vintage reproduction wave of figures, which include Sand People, Greedo, Biker Scout, Endor Han and X-Wing Luke. Collect all five and you can send away for a Vintage George Lucas as Stormtrooper mail-in figure! Also hit the Unleashed area and find the latest 7" scale releases - Han Stormtrooper, Shocktrooper and Chewbacca!
Be sure and check out all of the new pre-order items by clicking the red PREORDERS link in the main categories box on the left side of the main page! We have added new items from Master Replicas, including the recently announced Medicom imports of the Rocketeer 12" figure, Jack Skellington w/ multiple heads figure and the Captain Jack Sparrow 12" figure!
We have also added a ton of new Gentle Giant mini-busts and maquettes from Star Wars and Harry Potter to the pre-order section. And remember, if you don't see what you're after listed, just drop us an e-mail at [email protected] and we'll get it!