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San Diego Comic Con Exclusives at littleplasticmen.com


July 26, 2006 - (Houston, TX) - (Sponsor Announcement) - Online retailer littleplasticmen.com announces San Diego Comic Con exclusives!

HOUSTON, TX - littleplasticmen.com... where action figures are what's in store! has gone live with its San Diego Comic Con Exclusive sale page! We traveled to the West Coast last week and brought back a ton of cool exclusives. If you didn't get a chance to attend the Con, now is your chance to grab some of the exclusive swag from the show! Like everything else on our site, all of the exclusives shown on the page are IN STOCK and READY TO SHIP. This ain't no pre-order! This is guaranteed! Plus, with every Comic Con exclusive order, you'll get some of the cool freebies we were able to scoop up at the show - cards, buttons, t-shirts and more! And they're FREE while supplies last! Just click the Comic Con logo on the center of the main page and you'll be taken to the exclusives sales page. But hurry, some stock is very limited and is expected to sell out quickly!

Also just in... Diamond Select Stargate Series 1 action figures! The wave includes Colonel Jack O'Neill, Dr Daniel Jackson, Serpent Guard and the short-packed General Jack O'Neill. Later this week, the Preview exclusive Black Ops Jack O'Neill will join the ranks.

The latest wave of NECA Masters of the Universe Staction figure statues has landed. Series 3 includes the humongous Tung Lashor, the creepy Mantenna and the long-awaited Sorceress! All are in stock and ready to ship!

We also just received the Halo Graphic Novel. Distributed by Marvel, in cooperation with the fine folks at Bungie Studios, this hardback contains stories from the expanded Halo universe! Be sure and check it out.

We have also received the Gentle Giant Star Wars Qui-Gon Jinn mini-bust with an awesome laser-scanned likeness of Liam Neeson. Other mini-busts expected soon include a restock of the Sirius Black mini-bust from Harry Potter and the Star Wars Salacious Crumb collectors' club mini-bust. Check back soon!

Be sure and surf to our pre-order page by clicking the red PREORDERS link in the main categories box on the left side of the main page! We are always adding new items to the page... and remember, if you don't see what you're after listed, just drop us an e-mail at [email protected] and we'll try and get it!


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