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Scarlet Witch Famous Cover Hair Mystery Solved

tb_fc_scarwitch_head.jpg - 9716 BytesThere seems to be some confusion lately surrounding the upcoming Previews Exclusive Scarlet Witch Famous Covers action figure coming later this year. When pictures of the figure were first revealed, we saw that Wanda's head featured a sculpted hair-do, rather than the rooted hair more common to the Famous Covers line.

Around the time of the San Diego Comic Con, rumors started circulating online that this was just an early mock-up, and the actual production piece would feature rooted hair. So, being the intrepid reporters that we are here at RTM, we decided to go to the, uh, root of the matter and find out the real deal on Scarlet Witch's hair stylings.

We checked in with Diamond about the issue, and here's what they had to say:

We went with sculpted hair on Scarlet Witch. We are very aware the rest ofthe line is rooted. Here is the reason: in all images of her in the comics, part of her hair lands down on each side of the front of her mask. If we root it, it will just fall there and never be stylized as it is in the comic. If we did not sculpt hair on her forehead it would look huge, and not be true to the character. Rooted and sculpted was discussed as a combination for a little while, but we thought waswould look like it was "hacked" together. A decision needed to be made and we decided it was more important to be true to the character.

So, there you have it, True Believer! The Famous Covers 8" action figure of the Avenger's Scarlet Witch is coming at you later this year, excluisely from Previews, with sculpted hair.

Now you know, and knowing is half the battle.

[Posted 9/11/2000]

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