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Star Trek, FFX, B&W Batman at YouBuyNow.com


August 3, 2006 - (Sponsor Announcement) - News from YouBuyNow.com:

YouBuyNow.com Weekly Update

We have some great new items this week as well as some new stuff on our pre-order page. August is shaping up to be a terrific month for new stuff so keep your eyes peeled for new updates. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Brian at brian@youbuynow.com

New Arrivals This Week

  • Star Trek Picard as Locutus Figure
    From Star Trek Next Generation, we have the Captain Picard as Locutus of Borg figure. You can check it out at http://www.youbuynow.com/item/2769?c=60

  • B&W Steve Rude Batman Statue
    From DC Direct, we have the Black and White Batman statue based on the art work of Steve Rude. You can check it out at http://www.youbuynow.com/item/2565?c=60

  • Final Fantasy X Figures
    Last week we announced that we received the Auron figure from the Final Fantasy X line. This week, we received the rest of the line and they are all in-stock. You can check them out at http://www.youbuynow.com/category/176?c=60

  • Superman Through the Ages
    From DC Direct, we received the Superman Through the Ages boxed set. You can check it out at http://www.youbuynow.com/item/3018?c=60

  • Marvel Milestones Classic Iron Man Statue
    Sculpted by Art Asylum and distributed by Diamond Select Toys, we have the Marvel Milestones Classic Iron Man Statue in-stock and ready to ship. You can check it out at http://www.youbuynow.com/item/3019?c=60

  • Star Trek Mini Ships
    From Johnny Lightning we have the Legends of Star Trek Die Cast mini ships in-stock. You can check them out at http://www.youbuynow.com/category/Star_Trek_Diecast?c=60

  • 6inch Titanium Transformers
    From Hasbro's new Titanium Transformers line, we have the 6 inch Optimus Prime and Megatron figures. You can check them out at http://www.youbuynow.com/category/Transformers_Titanium?c=60

  • New Star Wars Saga Figures
    From Hasbro we have some new Star Wars Saga figures in-stock. Most of them are from Return of the Jedi but we have other new figures scattered throughout the Star Wars category. You can check them out at http://www.youbuynow.com/category/68?c=60

  • Green Lantern Series 2
    We were supposed to receive our shipment of Green Lantern Series 2 on Tuesday but they were delayed. Thankfully, we have confirmation that they will be here Thursday afternoon so for most of you, they will be in-stock by the time you read this. If they are still showing as a pre-order, have no fear, reserve the figures you want and they will ship as soon as they arrive. You can check them out at http://www.youbuynow.com/category/green_lantern?c=60

Don't forget, you can always check the "New Items" page on our site to see the most recent additions.

New Items Available for Pre-Order

Don't forget, you can always check the "Pre-Orders" page on our site to see everything we currently have available to pre-order. That's it for this week's update, we will have more to announce next week. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Coming Soon


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