Toy Biz Prepares For X-Men Evolution
Toy Biz continues their Marvel superhero renaissance this fall with the release of the first assortment in their six-inch scale X-Men: Evolution action figure line. This new, very stylish toyline is based on the upcoming all-new X-Men: Evolution animated series premiering this November on Kids WB. The new series features a new X-Men continuity where the merry mutants are teenagers learning to use their mutant abilities. Wolverine and Storm are adult mentors to the team.The first assortment features X-Men Cyclops, Nightcrawler and Wolverine, as well as villains Sabretooth and Toad. Each action figure comes with it's own accessory. Danger Room equipment comes with the various X-Men characters, whereas green slime seems to be the order of the day for the bad guys! Other figures planned for later assortments include Storm, and Logan (a.k.a. Wolverine in his civilian duds). Look for X-Men: Evolution toys to be on store shelves everywhere by year's end. [Posted 9/13/2000]