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SOTA Toys Master Gouken Exclusive

SOTA Toys Master Gouken Exclusive
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August 2006 - SOTA Toys is happy to announce the arrival of the second Battle Cry Master Gouken exclusive! As a follow up to the SDCC "Battle Cry" Master Gouken, SOTA Toys created a "Battle Cry" Master Gouken color variant with the Kanji character on the back of his Gi that is accurate to the Street Fighter Manga! This Gouken also includes the translucent "Shoryuken" accessory.

The Gouken action figure stands in 7-inch scale with all of the SOTA Street Fighter action figures and features over 30 points of articulation and features one of the best sculpts available in an action figure. There were only 300 of these variant figures made and they are available exclusively at www.sotatoys.com for $19.99!

As an added bonus SOTA Toys is also offering the SDCC "Battle Cry" Gouken for purchase at www.sotatoys.com. There were only 750 of these figures produced for SDCC. Although SOTA could have sold all 750 at the Con, it was decided that a small number be put aside to be sold on the web-site for fans who could not make it to San Diego. The figure is $19.99 and is in EXTREMELY limited quantity.

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