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Sept 1: FANtastic Exclusive 2007

FANtastic Exclusive 2007

FANtastic Exclusive 2007 officially begins soon!

August 2006 - After the smash success of FANtastic Exclusive 2006, the guys over at Four Horsemen Toy Design Studios are excited to announce the upcoming start of FANtastic 2007!

The first official new round of voting will once again kick off with action figure fans deciding which of the six provided properties are their favorites. After taking into careful consideration the results of a preliminary round of voting, the Four Horsemen have decided to keep the same six properties open for voting that were open last year, but this time new characters will be added to each line up for consideration.

FANtastic Exclusive 2007

New characters for Symbiotech, Chrysalis, Gothitroplois, Zodiac Pack and the Aliens line have been added, and all of the classic characters from last years' fan-favorite, The 7th Kingdom, will be returning as well!

Once this round of voting starts it's going to be a quick one - probably not lasting more than a couple of weeks, so be sure to get over to the FANtastic Exclusive website and place your vote as soon as the polls open this Friday, September 1st!

FANtastic Exclusive 2007

Also, in the next few days the Four Horsemen are going to be making a very special announcement about FANtastic Exclusive 2006 to which Mynothecean Six fans will want to pay very close attention! It's going to be one final way for the Four Horsemen to say thank you to everyone involved with the success of FE2006!

For those of you who haven't yet visited the Four Horsemen's very own online store - Store Horsemen, make sure you stop by and look around. Store Horsemen's the ONLY place online where you can pick up official Four Horsemen t-shirts, other apparel and exclusive Four Horsemen created action figures.

FANtastic Exclusive 2007

It's time to slap on the work gloves and slide on a spiffy new pair of steel-toed shoes, because it's time for you to get back on the job!

Fantastic Exclusive 2007 - no application necessary - you're hired!

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