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Marvel Legends, Clones and Cars at littleplasticmen.com


September 8, 2006 - (Houston, TX) - (Sponsor Announcement) - Online retailer littleplasticmen.com has Marvel Legends, Clones and Cars!

HOUSTON, TX - littleplasticmen.com... where action figures are what's in store! has just received a ton of Marvel Legend goodness that is now available on the site including both Series 1 and 2 of the mega-sized ICONS figures. Series 1 consists of Iron Man, Captain America and Wolverine. All three, along with their variants, are in stock and ready to ship now! Series 2, also in stock now, contains the villainous Venom and the incredible Hulk!

We also received Series 1 of the Face Off two-packs. These include Hulk vs Leader, Kingpin vs Daredevil and Captain America vs Red Skull. All three Series 1 two-packs, along with their variants, are in stock! Be sure and check them out!

Also just in... Gentle Giant's long-awaited Deluxe Clone Trooper mini-busts! The busts come in three versions - plain white clone, blue 501st clone and orange Utapau clone! While we pre-sold out of the Utapau version, the other two are in stock and ready to ship!

Looking for Cars? We got 'em! These hot, die-cast character cars from Pixar's summer blockbuster CARS are flying off the shelves everywhere. We managed to get our hands on a few cases that even contained some of the rarer characters such as Sarge the Jeep and Leakless the race car. All of the Cars you see on the site are in stock and ready to roll!

DC Direct is back this week with the highly anticipated Alex Ross Justice Series 4 figures. This wave includes Hawkman, Zatanna, Black Adam, Solomon Grundy and Shazam! These are available as sets or singles!

Be sure and surf to our pre-order page by clicking the red PREORDERS link in the main categories box on the left side of the main page! We recently added several items to the Preorder page include Diamond Select's Serenity River Triumphant statue, NECA's 7" V for Vendetta and Kurt Cobain Unplugged figures and Gentle Giant's Disney Dragonkind Elliot and Mushu statues! We are always adding new items to the page... and remember, if you don't see what you're after listed, just drop us an e-mail at [email protected] and we'll try and get it!


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