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FANtastic Exclusive Round 2 Voting Nearly Complete

The 7th Kingdom

FANtastic Exclusive round 2 voting is nearing the end.

October 6, 2006 - The second round of FANtastic Exclusive will be ending at 11:59 P.M. this Sunday night. In round 1 it was once again the Four Horsemen's popular property "The Seventh Kingdom" that took the first round of voting which decided which of their six lines would represent FANtastic Exclusive 2007.

Round 2 gives fans the chance to decide which of eight specially selected Seventh Kingdom characters they would most like to see as an exclusive action figure in 2007.

As of right now there appears to be a very clear winner, but it is not too late to make your vote count. Keep in mind that it's not only the winners that the Four Horsemen pay attention to in each round. We consider the totals of all of the rounds to be valuable information that could affect future elements of FANtastic Exclusive. In other words, every vote really does matter.

So, if you haven't yet placed your vote in round 2, be sure to stop by http://www.FANtasticExclusive.com soon so you don't get left out! Also, be sure to keep an eye out early next week for the beginning of round 3, and drop in on the message boards to find out what others are saying about FANtastic Exclusive 2007!

Last, the cows are coming home! That's right, the Four Horsemen just got word that the Mynothecian Six sets should be hitting their doorstep on Monday, so shipment of all of those items should begin only a few days later!

FANtastic Exclusive... Where your opinion really does matter!

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