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Kermit, Corpse Bride, Public Enemy at littleplasticmen.com


October 11, 2006 - (Houston, TX) - (Sponsor Announcement) - Online retailer littleplasticmen.com has Kermit, Corpse Bride and more!

littleplasticmen.com... where action figures are what's in store! has just received the ultra-cool Master Replicas Kermit the Frog photo puppet replica. This is one of the coolest pieces we come across in a long time! This full sized replica IS Kermit! He's made with authentic green fleece and is fully poseable, with mouth expression and full articulation in neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees, ankles and fingers. Each Kermie comes with a custom display stand and numbered plaque. The Kermit replica is limited to 2500 pieces!

We also received Series 2 of McFarlane Toys' Corpse Bride figures. Based on characters from the popular Tim Burton film, this assortment includes the Bride, Victor and Scraps, Albert, Mr. Bonejangles, Mayhew and Mrs. Plum. These are available as singles or in sets!

Also just in, we now have the latest wave of Zizzle Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest 4" scale action figures. This assortment features Cannibal King Jack Sparrow, Captain Norrington, Maccus and the Cannibal Chief!

Later this week, we will be getting the initial assortment of Public Enemy figures from Mezco featuring Chuck D and everyone's favorite VH1 Celebreality star - FLAVOR FLAAAAV! Each stylized figure stands 9" tall and features the amazing articulation. Chuck D comes with a real cloth outfit, gold chain, baseball hat and microphone. Flav is packing his trademark watch necklace, gold chain, alternate Viking helmet and microphone. YEAAH, BOYEEEEEEE!

Coming soon we have a restock of the character cars from the smash Pixar movie Cars, Mezco's Hellboy Comic Series 2, Gentle Giant's Star Wars Animated Boba Fett maquette and Marvel Legends Series 14 - the Mojo wave!


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