GI Joe, Transformers, Star Wars at Big Bad Toy Store
 October 11, 2006 - (Sponsor Announcement) - Online retailer has several new items of interest to collectors:
------------- NEW ARRIVALS: -------------
TRANSFORMERS TITANIUM: Jetfire, Thundercracker, Optimal Optimus, Megatron, and Optimus Prime are all now in stock for $16.99 to $17.99.
GI JOE PLAGUE TROOPERS 6-PACK: More good troop building figures for your army, only $21.99 for the set of 6 figures.
TRANSFORMERS CYBERTRON: More Deluxe and Scout sized figures have arrived including Smokescreen, Optimus Ape, Scrapmetal (both colors), Hightail, Giant Planet Minicons, Ransack GTS, Brakedown GTS & More!
STAR WARS UNLEASHED: The four latest battlepacks are now in stock - all these focus on 'Order 66' and start at $10.99
TRANSFORMERS CLASSIC: More Deluxe sets of 4 are in stock and we've also restocked the Masterpiece Prime with sound base.
STAR WARS & BATTLESTAR TITANIUM: More 3" die-cast figures have arrived for both these lines.
GI JOE SIGMA 6 2.5": The second wave of basic figures is now in stock for $44.99 along with a variety of other 2.5" and 8" Sigma 6 figures.
ROBOCOP MODEL KITS: We've restocked all the small Koto model kits for only $8.99 each. All kits are available individually.
HOT TOYS FIRE FIGHTERS: Only $99.99 each for the Trainee & Lieutenant figures from Hot Toys - high quality and tons of detail.
STAR WARS CLONE TROOPER HELMET LE: The latest item from Master Replicas is now in stock for $334.99. This is a life sized and highly detailed replica.
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JAPANESE SPAWN FIGURES: Medicom & McFarlane bring us a very cool new batch of products that will only be available in the specialty market, not at any big box stores. The ever popular Real Action Heroes line expands with the new 12" Spawn figure. Medicom also brings us a VCD (Vinyl Collection Doll) version of Spawn, Spawn Kubricks, and a Spawn Bearbrick.
G1 SOUNDWAVE: As a service to our customers without a Toys R Us in their area or country, we'll be buying Soundwave from TRU and making them available to you at $39.99. This figure will be packaged in the new Classics style packaging and comes with Ravage & Lazerbeak!
WITCHBLADE "SCHOOLGIRL" STATUE: One of the coolest statues we've seen in a long time, this beauty is sculpted by Clayburn Moore himself and is priced at $159.99. This is a must-see statue.
MARVEL MAGAZINES & DIE-CAST FIGURES: Marvel has 60 different magazines & figures planned for this cool line. Only $11.99 for each of the 60 figures - new listings include: Blade, Magneto, Gambit, Doc Ock, Thing, Venom, Iceman, Red Skull, and also the special edition Hulk figure at $19.99
RED SONJA STATUE: A beautiful sculpt based on the Adam Hughes' Red Sonja priced at $139.99 - snow covered base and red hair blowing in the wind.
VOLTRON & TRANSFORMERS DVDS: We'll be expanding into a wide variety of DVDs that correspond to many of the toy lines and anime toy lines we currently carry. The first few items we've listed are the Voltron Collection 1 and Collection 2 DVD sets as well as Transformers Armada, Beast Wars, and Beast Machines sets. There will be much more coming in the future so be sure to check back soon. If there are any series you'd like us to carry please let me know and we'll see what we can do.
SERENITY: RIVER TRIUMPHANT STATUE: A fantastic new sculpt from Diamond Select Toys - the River Triumphant statue features a beautiful women standing among a big pile of corpses - very touching.
GI JOE DUKE BUST: The next installment of the GI Joe Icons line, Duke is listed at $39.99 and arrives in March
MARVEL STATUES, BUSTS, & REPLICAS: Another big batch of new items:
-- GHOST RIDER - 3 versions - On Water, On Building, and Desert Statues as well as Mephistopheles Cane Prop Replica.
-- CAPTAIN AMERICA MASK REPLICA: Life sized pleather mask limited to 1000, this mask is only $89.99
-- NEW AVENGERS: The full set of 6 statues, single Spider-Woman statue and Spider-Man bust all look great.
-- SINISTER 6: Vulture Statue has been listed at $77.99
-- MOUNT MARVEL BOOKENDS: A very cool alternate Rushmore set of bookends
-- MILESTONES ELEKTRA STATUE: A flowing and very attractive new statue
-- ORIGINS SPIDER-MAN STATUE: Priced at only $64.99 - Peter Parker & SM
BUFFY - MR. GORDO PLUSH: A fuzzy plush prop replica of Mr. Gordo the pig - priced at only $33.99