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Gentle Giant October 2006 Update

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October 2006 - Gentle Giant recently added a new batch of products and news to their web site:

Yo-Ho, Yo-Ho A Pirates Life for Me
Disney and Gentle Giant have teamed up to bring you The Pirates of the Caribbean with an animated twist. May 2007, will bring the first highly stylized animated maquette of the infamous Captain Jack Sparrow.

Lord of the Rings Animaquettes
In 2004 and 2005, Gentle Giant brought to life characters from the Clone Wars animated cartoon. 2006 saw Gentle Giant give the classic Star Wars characters an animated twist. Next, 2007 will see Gentle Giant continuing the merging of one of the most well recognized trilogies, The Lord of the Rings, with an animated style. This upcoming May, the first Lord of the Rings Animaquettes will be released, the Saruman Maquette.

The Force is Strong with This One
May 2007, marks the 30th Anniversary of "A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away..." To help commemorate this momentous occasion of the Star Wars trilogy, Gentle Giant is proud to announce the release of the wise Jedi Master from A New Hope, Obi-Wan Kenobi. The Obi-Wan Kenobi mini bust is sure to be a hit with collectors old and new.

For more Gentle Giant news, be sure to check out their official Gentle Giant blog for interesting tidbits and updates.

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