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FANtastic Exclusive Round 4 Voting

Elephant Swordsman


December 2006 - Round four voting of the Four Horsemen's FANtastic Exclusive 2007 is now up and running and articulation is the name of the game. The wait has been a little longer this time around due to an experimental preliminary discussion and vote conducted on the message boards. If you missed the discussion don't worry, though, this is your chance to get into mix. The preliminary discussion helped in setting up the vote, as well as to give the Horsemen a more detailed idea of where the fans' heads were at on articulation issues.

Now it is everyone's turn to get involved in the official decision making. Just like last year's Xetheus: Champion of Mynothecea, action figure fans will be able to vote on every single point of articulation on the Seventh Kingdom's Elephant Swordsman. Choices will range from the standards such as elbows and knees to some more unusual choices such as tail and trunk!

Just head on over to http://www.FantasticExclusive.com and check out what people have been saying and then cast your vote on whether or not you want that tail to be articulated or not!

FANtastic Exclusive 2007... a whole lotta' 'ticulation goin' on!

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