Serenity, Transformers, SW at Big Bad Toy Store
 December 10, 2006 - (Sponsor Announcement) - Online retailer has several new items of interest to collectors:
Hi - Here is a quick weekend update from about a variety of new arrivals and more new preorders:
-------------- NEW PREORDERS: --------------
SERENITY PVC SET: Dark Horse brings us a nicely done 4" set of PVC figures featuring 3 main characters from the show. This set is priced at $16.99 and should come packaged in a window box.
TRANSFORMERS CLASSIC MINICONS: Wave 2 minicons are now up for preorder at $23.99 for the full wave of three 3-packs. The teams are also available for preorder individually including the Clear Skies Team, Dirt Digger Team, and very cool Predator Attack Team.
STAR WARS GALACTIC HEROES: Four new 2-packs are coming in early 2007 including: Obi-Wan & Durge, Anakin & Clone Trooper, Darth Maul & Speeder Bike, Hammerhead & Figrin D'an. These are all packed only 1 set per case of 12 unfortunately so the pricing is bit higher than we'd prefer at $8.99 per set. We are also offering the full case of 12 2-packs at $69.99
TRANSFORMERS NEMESIS PRIME: More of these will be arriving later this month and a preorder has been opened at $69.99, these have been very hard to come by and we have a limited number arriving.
LORD OF THE RINGS - FARAMIR: The unappreciated younger son of Denethor is now up for preorder at $52.99. You'll be sure to appreciate the great sculpting, longbow and other accessories.
ALIEN STATUES BY ATTAKUS: Three cool new statues including an inspired 16" Alien Warrior statue and several ~5" Facehugger and Egg statues.
TRANSFORMERS ULTRA MAGNUS & SKYWARP: We have buyers lined up to help supply those of you without a Target in your area on this cool exclusive. We are preselling only a limited amount at $49.99 each.
DC WONDER WOMAN STATUE & TIN: The third statue from the new series by Dark Horse, this statue is based on the early version of Wonder Woman and is limited to only 2000 pieces.
STAR WARS UNLEASHED BATTLE PACKS: Another round of all new sets have just been announced. We have new images listed for the Cantina Encounter, Jawas & Droids, Sandtroopers, and Tusken Raiders.
UNIVERSAL MONSTERS 3" PVC STYLIZED FIGURES: Another cool new product from Dark Horse, these PVC sets include super deformed style versions of Vampi, London, Invisible, Frankie, Bride, and Mummy. Sold in boxed sets of three priced at $17.99 each.
PEANUTS STATUES: Dark Horse's limited edition Peanuts statues are now up to the #6 figure - Peppermint Patty. Preorder now at $34.99
HAROLD THE SMOKING PENGUIN - KOZIK: This cool figure by artist Kozik is up for preorder at $37.99 - a portly penguin smoking a big cigar
ANIME ITEMS: Another big round of anime girls and bots
-- MELANCHOLY OF HARUHI SUZUMIYA: Two new Asahina Mikuru Waitress figures
-- SKATTO GOLF PANYA: Even golf has been invaded by hot Anime Girls
-- HE IS MY MASTER: Several new 1/8 Scale girls in maid outfits
-- PASTEL CHIME CONTINUE: Saika S. Farnese - great looking 1/8 figure
-- EVANGELION: Rei in Plug Suit - sitting pose - $54.99 by Enterbrain
-- VAMPIRE SAVIOR: 1/8 Scale Lilith Statue in both green & pink versions
-- VOTOMS: Max Factory brings us the Rane Custom & Vorct Commando 1:35
-- FATE/HOLLOW AXTARAXIA: Saber Maid Hallucination 1/8 Figure - very nice
------------- NEW ARRIVALS: -------------
TRANSFORMERS OPTIMUS VS MEGATRON BOXED SET: This set includes all new molds of Prime and Megs as well as a bonus DVD that provides a lot of general starter information about Transformers - $22.99 Each.
V FOR VENDETTA RESIN STATUE: NECA has crafted only 1500 pieces of this statue - its in stock now under the MSRP at $144.99. V stands with daggers drawn and his head lowered - very nice statue.
MCFARLANE'S HANNA BARBERA WAVE 2: Sets of 7 are in stock now for $79.99 and singles for 5 of the 7 sets are also available. Sets include Tom & Jerry, Captain Caveman, Magilla Gorilla, Johnny Quest, Penelope Pitstop, Yogi Bear, and Fred Flintstone with Dino.
REVOLTECH INGRAM 2: Kaiyodo's latest Revoltech is now in stock for $19.99
MAGNETO COMIQUETTE: Sideshow is keeping edition sizes very low on the Marvel comiquette line so be sure not to miss out on this one
T-800 STATUE: A new release from Toynami, this statue stands around 15" tall and features Arnold after quite a bit of wear and tear.
BRAVE SERIES: A new release from CM's Corp in Japan, the Great Baan Gaan is now in stock for $49.99
SEED OF CHUCKY BOXED SET: The entire happy family has just arrived, only $27.99 for the boxed set of three
STAR WARS SAGA COLLECTOR TINS: All 6 tins are now in stock after the recent arrival of the Episode IV, V, and VI sets. The pictures don't do these items justice, they really are packaged very nicely - $29.99 each.
TRANSFORMERS TITANIUM 6": Optimal Optimus and Thundercracker are back in stock at $16.99 each. Images for Cheetor and The Fallen have just been listed and Soundave will be arriving soon!
TRANSFORMERS CLASSIC VOYAGER: Optimus, Megatron and Jetfire sets are now available again for $69.99 as well as single Megatron and Optimus
STAR WARS UNLEASHED ULTIMATE BOXED SETS: The first three larger sets of SW unleashed figures are now available for $23.99 each.
-------------- ARRIVING SOON: All these items arrive in under 10 days! --------------
STAR WARS COMMANDO SCENE EXCLUSIVE SET: Only $29.99 for this 7 figure set with lots of troop-building possibilities. This is an internet only exclusive set not available at the big-box retailers.
TOYNAMI'S MACROSS TRANSFORMABLES WAVE 2: The next set of 3 small scale fully transformable valkyries are arriving in just a few days. More of wave 1 will be coming in as well.
CINEMAQUETTE T-800 AND T-850: The grandaddies of all Terminator collectibles, these two items stand around 24" tall and are the ultimate items for a Terminator fan
TITANIUM 6" SOUNDWAVE: These will be arriving in about 10 days and we have some preorder space still available at $16.99 each.