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R2-D2 Replaces Mail Collection Boxes

To see a picture of the R2-D2 mailbox, visit Diamond's Scoop site.

R2-D2 Enlisted as Honorary Collector for America's Mail

Two Great Forces Team up for Universal Appeal

WASHINGTON, March 15, 2007 -- Tomorrow morning in our neighborhoods and street corners not so far, far away, hundreds of official U.S. Postal Service blue collection boxes will be transformed into Star Wars character R2-D2 look-alikes to promote an exciting new adventure on which the U.S. Postal Service is embarking on with Lucasfilm Ltd.

For anybody who missed seeing a Star Wars movie in the 30 years since the first installment was released, R2-D2 is the feisty little droid who embodies the trust and dependability for which the Postal Service is so renowned.

The R2-D2 collection boxes will temporarily replace boxes in highly visible locations across the country. Customers can, of course drop mail into them just like any other of our 280,000 collection boxes, but there's a striking difference visually. Not only do the R2-D2 boxes look like the ever- popular "Star Wars" character, they feature the address of a website that gives clues about the real meaning behind this unprecedented promotion -- http://www.uspsjedimaster.com.

More details about the promotion will be announced March 28. Look for the R2-D2 mailbox near you... until then, "May the Force be with you."

An independent federal agency, the Postal Service is the only delivery service that visits every address in the nation -- 146 million homes and businesses -- six days a week and also has 37,000 retail locations. It relies on the sale of postage, products and services to pay for operating expenses, not tax dollars. USPS has annual revenues of $73 billion and delivers more than 46 percent of the world's mail volume.

STAR WARS, R2-D2 and related properties are trademarks and/or copyrights, in the United States and other countries, of Lucasfilm Ltd. and/or its affiliates. TM & (C) Lucasfilm Ltd. All rights reserved.

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