March 16, 2007 - Each day next week, new Minimates will be revealed through a different web site. On Monday, March 19th make sure to check out Art Asylum's online forum. Tuesday will see a new Minimate revealed by Raving Toy Maniac. For Wednesday's update, head over to the Minimate Multiverse forum. Wizard Universe will reveal the final Minimates on Thursday, and on Friday, return to the Diamond Select Toys site and see the entire wave revealed together for the first time!
Spider-Man 3 Minimates (Marvel Minimates Series 17) feature: Red Spider-Man/New Goblin, Black-Suited Spider-Man/Flint Marko, Peter Parker/Eddie Brock and a limited Transformation Venom!
Spider-Man 3 Minimates (Marvel Minimates Series 18) feature: Transformation Spider-Man/Venom, Battle Damage Spider-Man/Sandman, Unmasked Black-Suited Spider-Man/Gwen Stacy and the limited Mary Jane!
The Preview Spider-Man 3 2-pack (featuring the Red Spider-Man and Black-Suited Spider-Man) is currently available at Wizard World LA or from the DST web site.