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Child Light Brings History Alive With Action Figures

cl_northpole_box.jpg - 26967 BytesLooking for more history in your action figure collection? Child Light has come to the rescue with a series of 15-piece American Adventure playsets. Each boxed set comes complete with 5" scale action figures, accessories, playenvironment and a 32-page booklet that recounts the history of the persons depicted by the toys.

Now you can relive the thrilling, and sometimes harrowing, experiences of Susanna White Winslow and her Pilgrim Family, Paul Revere and his Midnight Ride, Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad, or be First the the North Pole with Peary and Henson.

Child Light products include accurate reproductions of people, vehicles, buildings, costumes, animals, tools and instruments. Many of the figures will be actual portraits of people who really lived. Sets will include studies that pertain to things like basic navigation used by explorers, recipes and the history of the U.S. flag. The Child Light web site will open hundreds of other resources. Child Light sets will come with illustrated booklets that tell the true stories, only present the facts and put forward questions that relate to the choices our predecessors made. Children will be encouraged to ask questions about people's motives. Child Light products offer parents alternatives to the hundreds of fantasy based and license generated products flooding today's market.

Each American Adventure set retails for $28, and can be ordered directly from Child Light by calling toll-free 1-888-780-6258.

[Posted 10/09/2000]

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