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Action Products Establishes Mission Control

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apii_apolloastronaut.jpg - 5467 BytesAction Products International, Inc., a leading educational toy and publishing company announced today that Store of Knowledge, a chain of 91 mall-based stores around the country, will serve as ``Space Voyagers Mission Control'' this Holiday season for its Space Voyagers� product line, ``the most authentic space toys on earth.''

Through the ``Flights of Imagination,'' children will be able to experience the evolution of America's Space Program. The Space Voyagers� product line consists of several toy categories, which will be displayed on store aisle end-caps to help parents and children identify them. One category includes the Lunar Rover from the Apollo mission. Space Mission Control also features Gift Box play sets based on a variety of space themes, including the Shuttle and Apollo 17. In addition, the display has Key Clips featuring miniature astronauts and Spacecrafts, Mini Voyagers� spacecrafts, astronauts in miniature from 2.75`` - 5'' and the Collector's Series, highly detailed, authentic display toys and figurines of spacecraft and astronauts from the Mercury, Apollo, Gemini and Shuttle missions.

apii_mini_shuttle.jpg - 5222 BytesRon Kaplan, President of Action Products said, ``We're excited to have the highly visible Store of Knowledge chain serve as Mission Control for the Space Voyagers line. In addition to their presence within almost a hundred malls throughout the country, Store of Knowledge is well known due to its affiliations with 26 local public television stations and its web-site: http://www.storeofknowledge.com. It is especially great to have such incredible exposure during the Holiday season. The synergy between imagination and education is the key to this product line, and to our partnership with Store of Knowledge.''

Action Products International, Inc. specializes in educational, non-violent brands, including Logiblocs�, SpaceVoyagers�, Discovery Channel™ toys, CLIMB@TRON™ wall-walking robots, and Drop Zone™ parachute toys. Its products are marketed and sold to toy stores, specialty retailers, Internet retailers, museums, zoos, theme parks, attractions, catalog companies, and education markets in the United States and worldwide.

SOURCE: Action Products International, Inc.

[Posted 10/10/2000]

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