Doug Jones at 2007 Mid-Ohio-Con
May 2007 - On Saturday and Sunday November 24 & 25, Mid-Ohio-Con returns to Battelle Hall in the Greater Columbus Convention Center. One of America's favorite comic book and pop culture celebrations, Mid-Ohio-Con will be making some major announcements over the next few months regarding special celebrity guests and special offers for attendees.
Leading things off, an announcement of "galactic" proportions. As fans eagerly await next month's motion picture debut of The Fantastic Four: Rise of The Silver Surfer, Mid-Ohio-Con is proud to announce that one of the stars of the movie will be appearing as our special guest. Doug Jones, who portrays The Silver Surfer, will be appearing in person during both days of Mid-Ohio-Con. In addition to his starring role in the Fantastic Four movie, Mr. Jones recently starred as Pan in the highly acclaimed motion picture Pan's Labyrinth. Other fan favorite roles include Abe Sapien in the Hellboy movie and animated series as well as portraying the lead "Gentleman" in the episode HUSH, on Buffy: The Vampire Slayer.
As Mid-Ohio-Con's dynamic roster of celebrity guests begins to unfold, comic book fans and collectors will be thrilled to learn that three legendary artists will be making their very first appearances at Mid-Ohio-Con this November. One of Marvel Comics' most dynamic artists from the silver age, Gene Colan, will be on hand. Mr. Colan's distinctive style is best remembered on such characters as Iron Man, Daredevil, Captain America and several more. Beginning with his late 70's work on Marvel's Micronauts title, Michael Golden continues to be one of the most popular artists in the industry. Mr. Golden is the co-creator of the X-Men's Rogue and has worked on practically every major comic book character for every major publisher. In the early 1980's Steve Rude helped to launch independent comics publishing with his wildly popular, Nexus. Over the years Mr. Rude has been involved with many highly regarded projects and recently announced the return of Nexus to be published under his Rude Dude Productions imprint.
Mid-Ohio-Con takes place Thanksgiving weekend, Saturday and Sunday November 24 & 25, in Columbus, Ohio at Battelle Hall in the Greater Columbus Convention Center. The show will feature well over 100 celebrity guests, panels and programs of special interest to fans and a collector's paradise of comic books, and other great pop culture collectibles on sale. More information is available at the event's web site: and at the show's recently launched MySpace page: