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Afro Samurai Action Figures

These figures were originally scheduled for an October 2007 release - read the original solicitation to see images of each of the four figures.

May 2007 - DC Direct


Afro Samurai is the animated epic of a black samurai's hunt for the gunman who murdered his father. Academy Award-nominated actor Samuel L. Jackson stars as the uncompromising hero in a world that mixes traditional Japanese culture, sci-fi adventure, and modern hip-hop taste (music by famed KILL BILL composer and Wu-Tang Clan rap band leader RZA).

Each figure features multiple points of articulation and a base.

Advance-resolicited; on sale January 16, 2008
Action Figures

Kuma 7.25" h
Ninja Ninja 7" h
Afro Samurai 7.25" h
Justice 8.25" h

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