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SDCC-Exclusive Marvel Zombies Minimates

Marvel Zombies Minimates Action Figures

June 2007 - Diamond Select Toys & Collectibles - The latest San Diego Comic Con exclusive has been announced and Marvel Zombies fans will not be disappointed. Following up on the success of the Marvel Zombies Minimate Box Set containing zombie-fied versions of classic super-heroes like Spider-Man and Wolverine, an all-new Minimate two-pack featuring Zombie Daredevil and Zombie Giant Man will be available exclusively during this year's San Diego Comic Con!

"We chose Giant Man because he was heavily featured in the original mini-series. We paired him with Daredevil to bring another classic Marvel character into the Zombie-Verse," remarked Michael Leavey, Supervisor of Marketing and Sales for Diamond Select Toys. "The Marvel Zombies comics are absolutely crammed full of guest appearances so I think the odds are in favor of more Zombies joining the Minimate ranks in the future."

Designed and sculpted by Art Asylum, each Zombie Minimate features 14 points of articulation as well as clear accent pieces designed to simulate the decaying and battle damaged body parts in true zombie style.

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