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Dirk Benedict at Wizard World Philadelphia

dirk benedict


Pittsburgh, June 5, 2007: Time and Space Toys is pleased to announce that it will host TV and movie actor Dirk Benedict at this year's Wizard World Philadelphia Show, to take place June 15-17 at the Pennsylvania Convention Center. Best known for his roles as Lieutenant Starbuck in the original Battlestar Galactica television series and The Faceman in The A-Team television series, Mr. Benedict has appeared in dozens of movies and television shows over his four decade career.

battlestar galactica action figures

Mr. Benedict will be in the Time and Space Toys booth on Saturday and Sunday to sign photographs and action figures for fans. In addition, Time and Space Toys will debut a Wizard World Philadelphia Exclusive Limited Dual-Signature Edition Battlestar Galactica Starbuck and Apollo 12" figure set. The set is limited to only 79 pieces, in recognition of the year the episode aired. It will be complete with certificates of authenticity signed by both Mr. Benedict and actor Richard Hatch, who portrayed Apollo.

"Three decades ago, Dirk Benedict defined a charasmatic character in the original Galactica that is still being portrayed and explored today," says Kevin Kriess, president of Time and Space Toys. "It is a rare opportunity for fans to meet such a performer, so it is an incredible honor for us to host Mr. Benedict's appearance."

Time and Space Toys, family owned and operated, is an online retailer of high quality, licensed toys and collectibles based on entertainment properties. Since 1997, the company has served tens of thousands of customers. Time and Space Toys has established itself as a major retailer of Battlestar Galactica and other Sci-Fi merchandise. For more information, visit www.timeandspacetoys.com.

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