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FANtastic Exclusive 2007 Exclusive Variant Figure #6: Helm of Xaanm

The Helm of Xaanm Action Figure


June 8, 2007 - Having sold out of all of the variant exclusives for FANtastic Exclusive 2006 in record time, the Four Horsemen have come up with something even bigger and better for FANtastic Exclusive 2007 (http://www.FANtasticExclusive.com)!

Joining with the previously revealed Ramathorr: Captain of the Anitherian Guard, and five of his most trusted guardsmen - The Hammer of Gholl, The Mace of Broggah, The Club of Thraugnn, The Shield of Draumm, and The Gauntlet of Vaskkh - a sixth battling brute is revealed.

The Helm of Xaanm Action Figure

With a snort and a piercing battle cry that shakes the very foundations of Animynthus, in charges Ramathorr's master of fighting dirty - 'The Helm of Xaanm!'

The Helm of Xaanm will come equipped with a long-handled battle axe, and a mini-halberd.

The Helm of Xaanm will be available as an extremely limited exclusive item through Big Bad Toy Store (http://www.BigBadToyStore.com) and as part of the Anitherian Nine set through Store Horsemen (http://www.StoreHorsemen.com). Price and production run to be determined and announced at a later time.

Be sure to check back at your favorite action figure news outlet Tuesday for new images and info on the final remaining members of Fantastic Exclusive 2007's Anitherian Nine, and to find out which companies will be carrying these extremely limited exclusives!

Coming Tuesday: The BIG finale! The final two characters making up the extremely limited Anitherian Nine set will be revealed TOGETHER! Evil finally rears two of its extremely ugly heads in the 7th Kingdom!! The debut of Ggruxx and Ssejjhhor!

FANtastic Exclusive 2007. Expect the unexpected!

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