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X-Toys Unveils Little Rascals Action Figures

xtoys_rascals_alfalfa.jpg - 19059 BytesX-Toys has announced that the first series of their incredibly detailed line of Little Rascals action figures and accessories will begin shipping to stores in December.

The first series, based on the classic short films from the 1920s and 1930s, includes:

  • Alfalfa with stilts, soapbox, a lard can with a comb in it and, of course a framed picture of Darla.
  • Spanky with a hammer, saw and an unbelievable rolling, steering go-cart.
  • Buckwheat with a "milk crate" scooter, fishing pole and his "catch of the day".
  • Pete the Pup can pull his very own fire engine. Pete and his fire engine are over 12" long!

X-Toys has done a terrific job with this new toyline, which should be a delight to fans of the popular films.

[Posted 10/17/2000]

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