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DST Exclusive Silver Surfer Minibust

Silver Surfer Minibust

June 2007 - Diamond Select Toys is excited to announce the latest exclusive Marvel bust will feature none other than the star of this summer's Fantastic Four film - the Silver Surfer! Available exclusively through UK-based Play.com!

When the Devourer of Worlds set his sights on the planet of Zenn-La only one dared oppose him - Norrin Radd. Transformed into Galactus' Herald, the Silver Surfer was granted unimaginable power from the cosmos itself. This six-inch bust features the chromed cosmic crusader with his trusted board atop Earth, the Silver Surfer's adopted planet and home to his allies the Fantastic Four!

Sculpted by Jeff Feligno, each chromed bust features a hand-numbered base with matching box and Certificate of Authenticity. For more information, please visit Play.com.

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In Association with Amazon.com Big Bad Toy Store - click for more information

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