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Moody Design Contest: Enter by July 11

Platform Toy Design Contest Launches on Vinyl Pulse

June 2007 - Vinyl Pulse and Bovinyl, the maker of Moody platform toy, are proud to announce the Moody Design Contest. The contest will provide artists/designers with an opportunity to have their art seen and judged by designer art toy industry professionals and to be shown to a world-wide audience via Vinyl Pulse. Entrants will also have the opportunity to win some great prizes.

To get started, download all three design templates from the Bovinyl website (www.bovinyl.ca) and then let your creativity loose. Send your completed designs to - [email protected]. The deadline to enter is July 11th, 2007 @ 8 PM Pacific.

Entries will be judged by Ted Stilson, the creator of the Moody, and three industry professionals who select toy designs for a living: Ferg (Jamungo), Vanbeater (Jamungo), and Richard VanOver (Wheaty Wheat Studios). Entries will be posted to Vinyl Pulse after the contest and judging have been completed. The top three entries, selected by the judges, will receive prizes packages supplied by Bovinyl, Voltage and Vinyl Pulse.

1st Prize - A blank Moody, $100 (CDN) Voltage Gift Certificate, Vinyl Pulse Tee, Moody skate-deck, 400% Bearbrick Tim Biskup Alphabeast Calli, 8" Flying Fortress Dunny plus Flying Fortress Tee.

2nd Prize - A blank Moody, $75 (CDN) Voltage Gift Certificate, Angry Ice Cream plush pack (small, medium and large Ice Creams), Vinyl Pulse Tee and an autographed Nathan Jurevicius comic book.

3rd Prize - A blank Moody, $25 (CDN) Voltage Gift Certificate, Vinyl Pulse Tee, and an autographed Tim Tsui Dape 3" Qee.

These prizes should help to jump start your creative and competitive juices.

So, let's see what you can create on the Moody platform.

If you'd like to purchase a Moody for yourself, they are available directly from the Bovinyl online shop.

For more information, visit www.vinylpulse.com or send an email to [email protected].

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