DC Minimates, Simpsons, Catwoman at YouBuyNow.com
 July 9, 2007 - (Sponsor Announcement) - YouBuyNow.com Action Figure News
We got some great new stuff in this week and have been as busy as ever with adding new product for pre-order to the site. Check out the complete update below for more information. Don't forget to visit our Blog and subscribe to our RSS feed at http://blog.youbuynow.com
New Arrivals - DC Minimates Series 4
From Diamond Select and Art Asylum we have the 4th series of DC Minimates in-stock. This series includes Steel with Cyborg Superman, Deadman with the Spectre, Batgirl with Bane, and Golden Age Flash with Wildcat. You can check them out at DC Minimates Series 4
- The Simpsons Movie Figures
The first series of The Simpsons Movie Figures from McFarlane Toys including the Bart and Flanders Box Set is in-stock and ready to ship. You can check them out at Simpsons Movie Figures
- Deluxe 13" Catwoman
We just sold out of all the 13" Deluxe Catwoman's we received this week. HOWEVER, we will be getting more in our next shipment so you can back order today to make sure and get this great Catwoman figure as soon as we are re-stocked. You can check it out at Deluxe 13" Catwoman
- 3 New Revoltech Figures
We received 3 new Revoltech figures today, we have the NGE Eva Mass Production Ver with Wings, the NGE Eva Unit 02 Nigouki Movie Version and Saber from Fate/Stay night. You can check them out at Revoltech Action Figures
- Final Fantasy Master Arms Replicas
From Square Enix and Kotobukiya, we have these fantastic new Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts mini-weapon replicas. They are very well done and come with a display stand. You can check them out at Master Arms Replicas
- Mon-Sieur Bome Vol 22 Rin Tohsaka
From the Mon-Sieur Bome line, we have the Vol 22 Rin Tohsaka from Fate/Stay Night action figure. You can it them out at Mon-Sieur Bome Vol 22 Rin Tohsaka
- Valkyrie Profile Figures
From Kotobukiya, we have the Valkyrie Profile Trading Arts action figures in-stock and ready to ship. You can check them out at Valkyrie Profile Figures
You can always check the "New Items" page on our site to see the most recent additions.
Now Available for Pre-Order - Resident Evil Anniversary Series 2 Action Figures
From NECA, we have the Resident Evil Anniversary Series 2 action figures up and available for pre-order. Check them out at Resident Evil Action Figures
- Conan Savage Sword Collection Bust #1
Dark Horse is releasing a new series of Conan busts from the Savage Sword of Conan series. We have the first bust up and available for pre-order. Check it out at Conan Savage Sword Collection Bust #1
- Commemmorative Captain America Bust
From Diamond Select toys, we have a Bronze Captain America commemmorative head bust up and available for pre-order. Check it out at Commemmorative Captain America Bust
- Premier Collection Savage She Hulk Statue
From Diamond Select toys, we have the Premier Collection Savage She Hulk Statue available for pre-order. Check it out at Savage She Hulk Statue
- New Stikfas for Pre-Order
In addition to getting two new Stikfas in this week, we added two new Stikfas to our site for pre-order, the Omega Male Black Knight and the Alpha Male Samurai with Stallion. Check them out at Stikfas
Don't forget, you can always check the "Pre-Orders" page on our site to see everything we currently have available to pre-order.
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