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Transformers, Star Wars, Doctor Who at Big Bad Toy Store

Big Bad Toy Store

July 12, 2007 - (Sponsor Announcement) - Online retailer BigBadToyStore.com has several new items of interest to collectors:


STAR WARS TRANSFORMERS - DEATH STAR: This is the biggest SW-TF figure ever made, the Death Star transforms into a large scale Darth Vader figure. We've just listed a preorder at $53.99 and expect this figure to arrive in September.

SUPER-HIGH-END R2-D2 ELECTRONICS: These items are so inventive and cool we just had to list them. Nikko in Japan will be producing some very, very expensive electronics including the 1/2 Scale R2-D2 DVD Projector with many other fuctions at $4999.99 and the R2-D2 1/5 Scale Wireless Webcam with other fuctions at $799.99. If you've recently won the lottery, take a look.

TRANSFORMERS MUSIC LABEL - ARRIVING SOON: Our suppliers in Japan have just confirmed that our full shipments of Music Label Soundwave MP3 Players and Frenzy & Rumble Earphones will be arriving around July 25th! We have a limited number of preorders remaining - check them out.

TRANSFORMERS TITANIUM ULTRA MAGNUS: This one has been really hard to find, but Hasbro luckily still had some stock available for us. We've listed a new case listing that includes G1 Ultra Magnus, War Within Megatron, and War Within Fallen for $49.99

DOCTOR WHO - SATAN PIT & DALEK THAY: Two more cool new Doctor preorders have just been listed. The Satan Pit playset features the Doctor in space suit and is priced at just $21.99. The 12" R/C Dalek Thay is up for preorder at $59.99

HARD HERO STATUES: Two cool new statues from Hard Hero have just been listed at $199.99. The 14" Gladiator Statue and the Dealer Exclusive Yellow Daredevil 17" Statue can be found here.

TONNER - AQUAMAN DOLL EXCLUSIVE: This one is limited to only 1000 pieces and stands around 17" tall. Do a quick search on our site for Tonner to see all the various DC, Spider-Man and other items they produce.

BANDAI'S SPIDER-MAN S.I.C FIGURES: A very cool import from Japan, this pair of regular and black outfit Spider-Man figures is up for preorder at $54.99 - they look to be highly articulated and very cool overall.

TRANSFORMER MOVIE - WAVE 2: Late Friday night we'll be listing a big batch of new Transformer Movie figures! We can't give specifics yet, but these new items will be available: 4 new Voyagers, 5 new Deluxe, 6 new Movie Robot Replicas, 8 New Robot Hero 2-packs, 5 Transformers T.E.C.H., 2 Unleashed, 1 Leader and much more!


GI JOE - 8" 2007 FIGURES: We received the entire lineup of cool new 8" figures in the last few days. Now in stock are the Adventure Team, Combat Squad, Soldiers with Kung-Fu Grip, and the big Metal Mayhem mech with Snake Eyes. We've also listed a variety of new wave 2 assortments, but no pictures on those yet.

HARD HERO TRANSFORMERS BUST BLOWOUT: We were able to pick up a big pile of closeout busts at Botcon and we are passing the savings on to you. For only $16.99 to $19.99 you can get Devastator, Grimlock, Soundwave, Prowl, Wheeljack, Ironhide, and Jazz - Original MSRP was about $50 for most of these and $100 on Devastator, so great savings on all of them.

YAMATO MACROSS YF-19 FOLDBOOSTER: More great new imports from Japan, the YF-19 with Foldbooster is now in stock in limited quantities at $229.99. If you already have a YF-19, the Foldbooster set is also available separately for $59.99

GI JOE 25TH ANNIVERSARY: The single packed Snake Eyes & Storm Shadow 25th figures are now in stock in limited quantities. The rest of our single pack figure order should be arriving over the next few weeks. More 5-packs arrived and immediately sold out, but backorders are now open and should fill relatively soon - don't miss out on one of the most popular items of the year.

CARS - MEGA MACK PLAYTOWN: This jumbo sized Cars playset is nearly 3 feet long when fully opened. Mack carries a huge trailer that splits into a 3-pronged play area and 3 Cars figures are also included $44.99

DC DIRECT - 13" DELUXE CATWOMAN: Another awesome figure from DC Direct, the new Catwoman is now in stock at $10 under MSRP, check out her nicely fitted black vinyl suit.

DEAD OR ALIVE KASUMI: A great mold from Max Factory, this one has been repainted several times and the latest two versions look great. Kasumi is available in a black or white outfit at $87.99

BRUCE LEE - ENTERBAY MASTERPIECE FIGURE: This figure is extremly detailed and very lifelike. The top of his head is magnetically attached and you can even rotate his eyeballs in the socket to give a variety of different looks. The box is super-deluxe and the figure is as good as it gets. Quality like this comes with a price, and in this case that price is $329.99

DC MINIMATES WAVE 4: Get 8 more cool DC Minimates for your collection at only $29.99. Waves 1 through 3 are also in stock - check them all out.

SERENITY - RIVER TRIUMPHANT STATUE: This statue is limited to only 1000 pieces worldwide and we have it listed at $20 under MSRP. Check out River as she stands amid a pile of corpses.

ANIME GIRLS: A wide variety of pretty ladies for your shelves -

-- BOME 22 - Fate/Stay Rin Tosaka - In stock at $27.99

-- MINE BLUE - PRIVATE MATERIALS - Innovative use of racing stickers...

-- IKKI TOUSEN - A variety of new figures have just arrived

-- Many More - check out the huge selection of Anime items here

STAR WARS PLO KOON 12" - Another great new release from Sideshow with Jedi garb and green lightsaber - in stock now at $57.99

BEATLES KUBRICKS: Imported from Japan, Medicom brings us the 'Can't Buy Me Love' set - in stock now at $39.99

JAPANESE BEAST WARS TIGATRON: One of the more highly anticipated figures from the reissue Beast Wars Line - Tigatron is now in stock at $29.99 and we have all the others in stock as well.

LORD OF THE RINGS FARAMIR: The fourth release in Sideshow's cool 12" series of LotR items, Faramir is in stock along with Boromir & Legolas at $62.99

TRANSFORMERS PAPER CONVOY & BOOK: Imported from Japan, this TF Movie guidebook features a paper model Convoy that can be constructed. The Convoy looks pretty nifty and the set is priced at $26.99

NECROPLASM SPAWN 2: We were able to get a limited number of the Spawn Club Exclusive Necroplasm Spawn - in stock now at $26.99

HOSTEL ACTION FIGURES: Just in from Medicom is the Real Action Heroes Hostel figure as well as a 7" figure priced at $99.99 and $19.99 respectively.

AIRWOLF DIE-CAST: The Normal and Black versions of the Airwolf helicopter are now in stock at $84.99 each. Check out these popular figures.

HARRY POTTER BUSTS: A new round of busts from Gentle Giant has just arrived. Harry Year 5, Draco, and Cho Chang are in stock at $44.99

There were literally hundreds of other different items that arrived during the past week, be sure to browse your favorite menus and see what else is here.


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In Association with Amazon.com Big Bad Toy Store - click for more information

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