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Coming of Galactus World HeroClix Event


July 12, 2007 (SEATTLE) - The Marvel™ HeroClix® "Coming of Galactus™" event begins today at registered hobby and game stores worldwide! HeroClix players at hundreds of retail locations all over the world will compete in five weeks of tournaments. Each weekly tournament is a Sealed event and is played using game pieces from the Marvel HeroClix: Avengers set.

"This is the largest event ever offered for the Marvel HeroClix line, and we're excited to see it finally arrive," said Joe Hauck, EVP of Sales, Marketing and Product Development. "HeroClix players and comic book fans alike have been eagerly awaiting the first week of this event, which features the popular Silver Surfer™ as a participation prize."

Each week, participants will receive an all-new, exclusive HeroClix Herald of Galactus figure. The final event during week five gives players a chance to win the Marvel HeroClix 2007 colossal Galactus figure.

Week 1 July 12-15 Silver Surfer
Week 2 July 19-22 Terrax the Tamer™
Week 3 July 26-29 Firelord™
Week 4 August 2-5 Stardust™

Week 5 August 11 2007 colossal Galactus figure

To find a local hobby or game store hosting the "Coming of Galactus" event, use the Events Search tool at www.wizkidsgames.com.

A wholly owned subsidiary of the Topps Company (TOPP), WizKids is a Seattle-based game developer and publisher dedicated to creating tabletop games driven by imagination. Its HeroClix and Pirates brands are among the most successful games on the market today, with over 100 million miniature game pieces sold worldwide. For additional information, visit www.wizkidsgames.com.

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