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All Star Vinyl Platinum Club

All Star Vinyl Platinum Club

Upper Deck Launches NEW All Star Vinyl Platinum Club; New Black & Silver Rare Sidney Crosby Action Figure Available

Loyal fans to be rewarded with membership in exclusive collectors club

CARLSBAD, Calif., July 12, 2007 -- Members only! VIP! Both are commonly used to describe one of a kind exclusive memberships. On July 17th at 9:00am PDT, Upper Deck is launching their own Platinum club for devoted fans and collectors of the All Star Vinyl figures. Dubbed the ASV Platinum Club by Upper Deck, membership is limited initially to only 500 lucky fans and rewards each handsomely.

All Star Vinyl Platinum Club

With only initial admittance of 500 members and a one time dues payment of $100, ASV Platinum club members will each receive an extremely rare Platinum Edition of the Sidney Crosby figure which features the hockey phenom in all black with metallic silver highlights. Additional benefits of the club include the ability to have a coveted one-hour of early access to all future vinyl figures released, enabling fans to scoop up new figures before they are released to the public and a chance to buy even the evasive event-exclusive figures.

Most desirable of all, members will have access to Platinum club exclusive releases of All Star Vinyl figures throughout the year which will not be available to the public and they will have the ability to shape the future of the ASV line by voting for both upcoming players and Jersey selection.

Collectors looking to obtain ASV Platinum membership can visit http://allstarvinyl.com on July 17th to begin reaping the rewards of being a hardcore ASV fan.

History of Urban Vinyl Collectibles

The trend of urban vinyl collectibles originated in Hong Kong and Japan, recently becoming popular in the United States. A sign of its popularity: at the Toy Fair last February, the industry officially recognized this trend with its own exhibit hall titled "Urban Bazaar: Indie Art Toys."

Urban vinyl figures, or designer toys, are thought of as not just toys, but as pieces of art. Usually made of soft roto-cast PVC, referred to by collectors as "vinyl," many of the industry's product launches are held at gallery openings or release parties where the toys are displayed side-by-side with paintings and other types of art.

About the Upper Deck Company

Founded in 1988, The Upper Deck Co. is a premier global sports and entertainment-publishing company that delivers a portfolio of relevant, innovative and multi-dimensional product experiences to collectors, sports and entertainment enthusiasts. For more information on Upper Deck and its products, please visit http://www.upperdeck.com or http://www.upperdeckstore.com.

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