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SDCC: All-Star Vinyl Kobe Bryant

Kobe Bryant Action Figure

Limited Edition Kobe Bryant Action Figure Goes Live at San Diego's Comic Con International

Kobe Figure Based on 'Stylized Realism' Found in Comic-Book Art

Carlsbad, Calif. (July 20, 2007) - Comic Con attendees and action figure collectors will be lining up for the next amazing Upper Deck All-Star Vinyl and for the chance to purchase a limited edition ultra rare Kobe Bryant action figure sporting his white uniform. The extremely limited edition Kobe Bryant white uniform All-Star Vinyl has a production run of 250 and will only be made available to attendees of San Diego Comic-Con July 26-29 at the Upper Deck booth #2829.

Bryant is one of the most recognizable faces on the planet and collectors will now have the opportunity to add one of his limited edition All Star Vinyl action figures to their collections. The white uniform edition action figure of Kobe Bryant will be sold for $100 (cash). For more information on the super hero inspired All Star Vinyl action figures click on www.allstarvinyl.com.

Upper Deck has already launched three unique different Bryant themed superhero-inspired vinyl action figures - in road purple and yellow home jerseys and in an all black and gold version in '07. Each edition was extremely limited and quickly sold out.

"Kobe plays at another level than most athletes, he always brings his 'A' game," said Upper Deck sports figure product manager Dave Sanders. "Comic-Con is a great venue to drop the latest action figures as the attendees always support new collectibles, especially those that can trace their lineage back to super hero stylized artwork like our line of All-Star Vinyls. To ensure we keep our action figures 'real' with Urban Vinyl collectors we have produced an extremely limited production run of 250 figures which will only be available at the show in our booth, while supplies last."

San Diego Comic-Con International
San Diego Convention Center
111 West Harbor Drive
San Diego, CA 92101

More on Upper Deck's All-Star Vinyl Action Figurines

At 11 inches and produced in the underground style of urban vinyl, Upper Deck's All-Star Vinyl action figures are a combination of art and realism not typically found in sports licensed products. Adds Sanders, "in this medium, our designers are able to have fun by adding or playing up on player attributes and subtleties that give life to these athletes, highlight their distinct features, playing style - design characteristics that make them highly unique in comparison to more traditional based sports figures. Keeping with the comic book theme the high end packaging and artwork was created by well-known comic artist Chris Brunner."

To offer more details on the All-Star Vinyls, Upper Deck has set up dedicated web site with a blog written by Sanders - allstarvinyl.com. It will also give consumers a first look at upcoming sports action figure launches throughout the year, giving insight into the athletes to be featured, as well as the artist and sculptor behind the piece.

History of Urban Vinyl Collectibles

The trend of urban vinyl collectibles originated in Hong Kong and Japan, recently becoming popular in the United States. A sign of its popularity: at the Toy Fair last February, the industry officially recognized this trend with its own exhibit hall titled "Urban Bazaar: Indie Art Toys."

Upper Deck is the first and only company to recognize the possibility of combining urban stylized figures with licensed sports leagues to create a heroic depiction of sports stars. Upper Deck has released figures of NFL, NHL, NBA, and MLB players.

Urban vinyl figures, or designer toys, are thought of as not just toys, but as pieces of art. Usually made of soft roto-cast PVC, referred to by collectors as "vinyl," many of the industry's product launches are held at gallery openings or release parties where the toys are displayed side-by-side with paintings and other types of art.

About the Upper Deck Company

Founded in 1988, The Upper Deck Co. is a premier global sports and entertainment-publishing company that delivers a portfolio of relevant, innovative and multi-dimensional product experiences to collectors, sports and entertainment enthusiasts. For more information on Upper Deck and its products, please visit www.upperdeck.com or www.upperdeckstore.com.

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