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GI Joe, 1:32 Forces of Valor at SmallJoes.com


August 12, 2007 - (Sponsor Announcement) - News from SmallJoes.com:

Hi all,

We wanted to tell you about a few new things going on at SMALLJOES.COM.


Still waiting to receive the rest of our initial orders on the GI JOE 25th Anniversary 5-packs and single-carded figures. On the back of that restock will be the wave 2 assortment featuring Lady Jaye, Buzzer, Serpentor, and Beach Head.

Some of you may now be wondering about the Cobra 5-Pack #2, shown recently at the San Diego Comic-Con. You can count on SMALLJOES.COM to bring you that item in October.

Meanwhile, we have GI JOE: America's Elite comic issue #26 in stock now. World War III is about to explode!



We've received a bunch of new 1:32 scale WW2 armor! Here are the new items:

German Sturmgeschutz III Ausf. G (item 80043)
German Flakpanzer IV Wirbelwind (item 80227)
German Jagdpanther (item 80312)
German Panzer IV Ausf. G (item 80314)
German Panzer IV Ausf. F (item 80317)
Russian T-34/85 (item 80318)

We'll also be listing the following new items in the next few days:

German King Tiger (item 80501)
German Sd kfz 7/2 halftrack w/ 6 soldiers (item 80047)
U.S. M142 HIMARS (item 80007)



The impressive 1:18 scale P-38 Lightning Interceptor is back in stock in brand new "California Cutie" color scheme.

Also, we have new, lower prices on many 1:18 scale aircraft and armor from 21st Century. Be sure to check out both sections for some amazing deals!



~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Thanks for reading, and we hope you'll stop by and check out the site soon.


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