Star Trek: TNG Series 5 Action Figures
 Complete Your Star Trek Crew!
September 2007 - Diamond Select Toys - With the fourth series of Star Trek: The Next Generation action figures now on sale, we're pleased to officially announce the next release featuring this iconic series. Based on their appearances on both the small and large screens, Series 5 will feature Star Trek: Nemesis Dr. Crusher, Season 7 O'Brien and the limited Nurse Ogawa in addition to a Diamond Previews Exclusive Ro Laren!
Dr. Beverly Crusher has served under Captain Jean-Luc Picard for more than a decade and never fails to deliver when her medical expertise is needed. Miles O'Brien served with distinction as Transporter Chief aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise before transferring to Deep Space Nine. Alyssa Ogawa served as a head nurse and quickly advanced to handle the more advanced medical emergencies, even becoming the Chief Medical Officer in an alternate reality!
 Ro Laren, a Bajoran nationalist, was court-martialed due to a disastrous away team before serving Captain Picard aboard the Enterprise and finding a continued purpose within Starfleet.
You can expect the same articulation featured in the previous Star Trek: The Next Generation figures, with incredible attention to detail and series-accurate accessories. Further details will be announced as the early 2008 release date approaches!