Exclusive Princessess Available Via DisneyStore.com
The Walt Disney Internet Group and Lee Middleton Original Dolls, Inc., a subsidiary of Bando McGlocklin Capital Corporation, announces its collaboration with The Walt Disney Internet Group's, DisneyStore.com, to create a series of Princess Best Friend Dolls, which will debut with two exclusive dolls and accessories. ``We selected acclaimed doll maker Lee Middleton Original Dolls to interpret two of Disney's most beloved princesses, Belle and Cinderella, as the first two in a series of Princess Best Friend Dolls,'' states Chris Caruso Cooper of Walt Disney Corporation. , from ``Beauty and the Beast,'' and Cinderella come with their own beautifully illustrated, hardcover storybook and special plush toy. The vinyl dolls measure 18`` in height, and retail for $89.00 each. Available as catalog and online exclusives, the dolls may be purchased through the Disney Catalog (800-237-5751) or at www.disneystore.com. Additional doll clothes, matching child-sized clothing from Disney's ``Dolly and Me'' line and coordinating furniture pieces are also available, providing hours of play for children. Lee Middleton Original Dolls, Inc. is America's largest doll maker and the manufacturer of limited edition dolls from the Lee Middleton Artist Studio Collection, the Small Wonder™ Play Baby and My Own Baby™ lines and Times to Cherish™ figurines.
Dolls are the No. 4 collectible category after coins, figurines and trading cards, and have a collector base of some 11.3 million American adults, according to Pam Danziger, president of Unity Marketing, a collectibles and gift research firm based in Stevens, PA. For more information about Disney's Princess Best Friend Dolls, shop Disney's online store at www.disneystore.com. For inquiries about Lee Middleton Original Dolls, Inc., contact the firm at 480 Olde Worthington Rd., Westerville, OH, 43081, (800) 242-3285 or visit Lee Middleton's website at www.leemiddleton.com. Lee Middleton Original Dolls, Inc. is a subsidiary of Bando McGlocklin Capital Corporation, a NASDAQ company. [Posted 10/31/2000]