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More JAKKS WWF Figures Waiting In The Wings

wwf_kane.jpg - 5575 Byteswwf_bigshow.jpg - 5737 BytesJAKKS Pacific has plenty of new World Wrestling Federation product coming soon to stores in time for the holidays and you can take a sneek-peek at many of them at WWF.Com, the official site of the sports entertainment empire.

JAKKS will continue it's successful line of Titan Tron Live-compatible action figures. These highly-detailed, and articulated figures interact with the Titan Tron Playset cueing lights, as well as the wrestlers particular entrance music.

The creative minds at the Malibu-based JAKKS Pacific will also debut a brand-new line of WWF action figures called Back Talkin' Crushers. Each 7" action figure contains over 30 different phrases that are activated via sensors. For example, if you bend back The Rock's arm you will be told to stop breaking the People's Elbow! The first series of Back Talkin' Crushers includes Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, The Big Show and The Undertaker.

To find out more about the Back Talkin' Crushers, and other upcoming JAKKS-WWF releases check out the story on WWF.Com right here!

[Updated 11-22-99]

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